Party badge and BLE hardware board
Board design is in Eagle
Board consists of:
Rigado BMD-200 Bluetooth low energy based on a Nordic nRF51822
16MHz ARM® Cortex™ M0 CPU, 256kB of flash memory, 32kB RAM
10 orange LEDs addressable in pairs
Single button
A MCP73831 LiPo battery charger
Spare pins (I2C)
JTAG interface
Micro USB - for charging only
Kickass silkscreen
Environment is the nRFgo Studio and Keil need a segger j-link programmer custom_board.h goes in the C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Pack\NordicSemiconductor\nRF_Examples\11.0.0-2.alpha\bsp Uses the soft device s130v1 firmware
Device is programmed with the softdevice first, then the application is loaded
The badge, when powered on, will run in one of 5 modes.
- Mode 1 - 'Knight Rider' pattern
- Mode 2 - Alternating red eyes
- Mode 3 - Color strobe eyes
- Mode 4 - Battery indicator - voltage as a percentage of 3.7V. Each pair lit is 20%, flashing means 10% instead - add the pairs together to get percentage (increases to the right)
- Mode 5 - Randomly firing orange LEDs
In all modes the bluetooth stack is working as an Eddystone, which broadcasts a URL every 100ms. Newer phones will automatically see the URL and display a notification for it.