This program creates a simple chat server that allows multiple clients to connect and send messages to each other. The server listens on port 7777 by default.
User must have JDK 22 to run this program
Can get it from here:
- Supports multiple clients
- Displays server information (IP address and port) upon startup
- Displays client connection and disconnection messages
- Displays client usernames and messages in color for better readability
- Displays date and time on the console for better log information
- This class contains the main function of the server. It creates a ServerSocket object on port 7777, initializes a list to store connected clients (connectedClients), and starts a ClientListener thread to listen for incoming connections.
- This class represents a connected client. It stores the client's socket, username, and a buffer for receiving messages. It also has a run method that continuously reads messages from the client and broadcasts them to the server console.
- This class is a thread responsible for accepting new client connections. It waits for a new connection on the server socket, reads the username sent by the client, creates a new Client object, adds it to the connectedClients list, and starts a new thread for that client. This class provides ANSI color codes for formatting server output messages in the console.