The codes in this repo are ROS2 python nodes and should be executed as such.
To run them as ROS2 nodes, they have to be in a ROS2 package which should be in a ROS2 workspace. The nodes should be located in this directory: \home\User\ros2_ws\src<your_package_name><your_package_name>
These dependencies are to be added to the package.xml file in the src folder in the workspace #rclpy #geometry_msgs #turtlesim #math'''
The location of the package.xml file is \home\User\ros2_ws\src<your_package_name>\package.xml
Remember to add the node to the file in \home\User\ros2_ws\src<your_package_name>\
Nodes are added here: ... ... 'console scripts': ["move_to_place = <your_package_name>.move_to_place:main", "turtle_love2 = <your_package_name>.turtle_love2:main"], ... ...