TaskBingo is a discord bot developed with discord.js that allows for the creation and assignment of bingo boards to users. It is used for the BostonHacks discord to keep track and mark different hackers' tasks as done.
The bot can be installed with this link.
- auto-assign (value)
- Sets the auto-assign config to value
- When auto assign is on, TaskBingo automatically sends out the bingo board to users when they recieve a role
- When auto assign is off, use /assign-board to send out the bingo board to users
- Requires Administrator privilege
- assign-board (board-name, role, resend)
- Assigns a board with board-name to a role role
- Only one board can be assigned to a role at once
- When auto assign is off, this command will also send out bingo boards to users
- resend resends the bingo board to the users in the role who haven't recieved the specified bingo board of name bingo-name
- Requires Administrator privilege
- bingo-status (user)
- Shows a user user's current bingo status
- board-list
- Shows a list of the current created bingo boards in the database
- Requires Administrator privilege
- collect (user, item)
- Adds an item to a user's list of collected items
- Requires Administrator privilege
- collect-list (user)
- Shows the list of a user's current collected items
- create (name, image, grid-size)
- Creates a bingo board with name, a cooresponding bingo image image, and a grid size grid-size. grid-size must be an odd integer that cooresponds with an nxn table.
- Requires Administrator privilege
- mark (user, cell-number)
- Completes a user user's assigned bingo board task at position cell-number
- cell-number starts at 1 and counts row first left to right
- Requires Administrator privilege
- mark-many (users, cell-number)
- Complete users users' assigned bingo board task at position cell-number
- users is a comma separated string consisting of discord usernames (without the values including and after the #)
- Requires Administrator privilege
- unassign-board (board-name, role)
- Unassigns a board with board-name from a role role
- Requires Administrator privilege
- uncollect (user, item)
- Removes a collected item from the user's collcted list
- Requires Administrator privilege
- update (user, cell-number, value)
- Updates a user user's assigned bingo board task at position cell-number to be either completed or false (true/false) at value
- cell-number starts at 1 and counts row first left to right
- Requires Administrator privilege
- update-many (users, cell-number, value)
- Updates users users' assigned bingo board task at position cell-number to be either completed or false (true/false) at value
- users is a comma separated string consisting of discord usernames (without the values including and after the #)
- Requires Administrator privilege
Please contact [email protected] for bugs and fixes