Bolt uses Ultraviolet, a proxy backend provided from Titanium Network. Ultraviolet v3 is a fast proxy service, but it's successor, Scramjet, is in the works. Bolt also uses Scramjet, but will default to Ultraviolet because Scramjet is not ready for production yet.
Bolt also uses Rammerhead, a proxy service that is balanced between speed and site support.
If you have used proxy sites such as Interstellar before, you know that they are not very fast or powerful. This is becuase sites like Interstellar use outdated proxy services such as Ultraviolet v2 and Dynamic. Ultraviolet v2 is outdated and uses Bare, which is old and not secure. Dynamic is very slow, and does not support many sites.
Some popular sites that Bolt supports are:
- GeForce NOW
- Discord
- Youtube
- TikTok
To use Bolt, you must deploy it. You CANNOT deploy to services such as:
- Vercel
- Netlify
- Github Pages
- Cloudflare Pages
because they either do not support Wisp, service workers, or are static.
You CAN deploy to:
- Render
- Codeanywhere
- Gitpod
- Koyeb
- CodeSandbox
- Github Codespaces
- Railway
This is a Node JS application with npm packages. You must first run:
pnpm i
then run
pnpm start
You should have Bolt running locally on localhost:8080!