My goal was to make a card pairing game using BBC Basic. For my code to be compatible with my hardware it must use less than 16kb of ram so Mode 7 was choosen. This was my first interaction with teletext and so I used "Sixel"s to create higher resolution graphics cheaply. This code could be easily made into asembly but basic was my aim. There is room for performance improvments but readability was a priority since I will be using this for educational purposes.
SixelFlip.bas is the source-code. This file is in plain text. can be ran in SDLIDE (1.35a was used for devlopment). holds a windows executable which will play the game instead (Generated by SDLIDE).
WASD or Arrow keys, move the cursor*. Space, reveals a hidden card. R, Restarts the game once all pairs have been found. The highlighted name in the bottom shows the current player. *Cursor is the checkered line above and below a card. It's colour is random and irrelevant
All Cards are hidden again. Player 2 is now green.
Finished Game with all cards revealed and on Frame 1*
Finished Game with all cards revealed and on Frame 2*
The frames alternate every second during the whole game. There are also two sound effects. One for a correct pair and one for an incorrect match.
- Background Music
- Menu Screen
- Card Editor
- SinglePlayer Mode
- SP Leaderboard
- Enterable Names
Copyright (C) 2023 Andrew McCall [email protected]
This can not be copied and/or distributed without the express permission of Andrew McCall