Planning is not inherently a bad thing. CGIAR recognizes that taking and managing planning is an integral part of delivering on its strategy and that effective planning is critical to its success and key element of good governance. Managing planning is an integral part in managing any organization. Good planning is not only about mitigating planning. Good planning is equally about good planning taking.
- Node.js (version >= 16) is installed
- npm package manager
$ cd backend-end
$ cp .envExample .env
Now open .env file and make changes to the constants that match your server and services
- DATABASE_HOST database host/ip
- DATABASE_PORT database connection port
- DATABASE_USER database connection user
- DATABASE_PASSWORD database connection password
- DATABASE_NAME database schema name
- SENDGRID_API_KEY= API Key for sendgrid to send email
- CAN_SEND_EMAILS To disable (0) and enable (1) sending email recommended (0) for development enviroment
- DEFAULT_EMAIL Email that all emails sent from
- Cognito_API AWS Gognito api url
- Gognito_client_id client_id that provided by AWS Cognito configurations
- Gognito_client_secret client_secret that provided by AWS Cognito configurations
- Gognito_client_redirect_uri redirect_uri that you provided the AWS Cognito configurations example
- APP_PORT what port to serve the application backend of default is 3000
- APP_Prefix what base URL you want to serve the backend for example http://localhost:3000/backend default is ( / ) http://localhost:3000
- FRONTEND the frontend URL for example
$ cd front-end
for local machine enviroment
$ nano /src/environments/environment.local.ts
for development enviroment
$ nano /src/environments/environment.local.ts
for production enviroment
$ nano /src/environments/environment.local.ts
- backend_url The backend URL with the port you previously specified in the backend for example http://localhost:3000 ,
- socket_path the path default is /
- socket_url: The backend URL with the port you previously specified in the backend for example http://localhost:3000 ,
- aws_cognito_link: AWS Cognito link provided by AWS Cognito configurations
- aws_cognito_client_id: client_id that provided by AWS Cognito configurations
- aws_cognito_client_redirect_uri: redirect_uri that you provided the AWS Cognito configurations example
$ cd front-end
$ npm i
$ cd back-end
$ npm i
$ cd back-end
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run build-dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
$ cd front-end
# Development watch mode
$ npm run start
# development mode
$ npm run build
# production mode
$ npm run build
Then you can serve the dist folder by any server like nginx or apache2
We are using in the Planning two of the most known frameworks in the nodejs community and we did all the development in a standard way to help any new contributor to contribute right away. Below is the only documentation needed to start
Nestjs for backend
Angular for frontend
We implemented an OpenAPI Module in Planning to make it easy for frontend developers and other applications to understand easily how to consume the Planning data
You can visit the OpenAPI module at or the root directory of your backend server
The following people have made significant contributions to the technical development of Planning:
- Moayad Al-Najdawi CodeObia
- Monther AlAzhari CodeObia
- Haretha Alsouqi CodeObia
- Tareq anshasi CodeObia
- Mohammad Musa CodeObia
- Yousef Alrahahleh CodeObia
- Rand Awad CodeObia
The following people have made significant contributions to the design and overall function of Planning:
- Saakova, Svetlana (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas)
- Adebayo, Atilade Solomon (IITA)
- CATAÑO MORA, Mariafernanda (CIMMYT)
- Ajima, Nancy (One CGIAR)
This work is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0