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Code and dataset for IJCAI 2024 paper Continual Multimodal Knowledge Graph Construction.

1. Overview

1.1 File Tree

Please note "we provide". This is the data set of lifelong benchmark provided by us.

 |-- MNER	# Multimodal Named Entity Recognition
 |    |-- data          # task data
 |    |    |-- twitter2017
 |    |    |    |-- twitter17_detect            # rcnn detected objects
 |    |    |    |-- twitter2017_aux_images      # visual grounding objects
 |    |    |    |-- twitter2017_images          # raw images
 |    |    |    |-- train.txt                   # text data
 |    |    |    |-- ...
 |    |    |    |-- twitter2017_train_dict.pth  # {imgname: [object-image]}
 |    |    |    |-- sep-PLOM					   # we provide, PER->LOC->ORG->MISC
 |    |    |    |-- sep-POLM-NEW				# we provide, PER->ORG->LOC->MISC
 |    |-- models        # mner model
 |    |-- modules       # running script
 |    |-- processor     # data process file
 |    |-- utils
 |    |--
 |-- MRE    # Multimodal Relation Extraction
 |    |-- data          # task data
 |    |    |-- img_detect   # rcnn detected objects
 |    |    |-- img_org      # raw images
 |    |    |-- img_vg       # visual grounding objects
 |    |    |-- txt          # text data
 |    |    |    |-- ours_train.txt
 |    |    |    |-- ours_val.txt
 |    |    |    |-- ours_test.txt
 |    |    |    |-- mre_train_dict.pth  # {imgid: [object-image]}
 |    |    |    |-- sep5				 # we provide, 5 tasks
 |    |    |    |-- sep7				 # we provide, 7 tasks
 |    |    |    |-- sep10				# we provide, 10 tasks
 |    |    |-- vg_data      # [(id, imgname, noun_phrase)], not useful
 |    |    |-- ours_rel2id.json         # relation data
 |    |-- models        # mre model
 |    |-- modules       # running script
 |    |-- processor     # data process file
 |    |--

1.2 Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Continual MRE

In the continual MRE task, we propose a dataset under the continual learning scenario based on the MEGA dataset. In view of the reason that the size of the original dataset is too large, we have established data segmentation under different tasks based on the id of the original data in this reponsitory. The data segmentation file of the lifelong benchmark we provide is in sep5(5 tasks in sep5, 7 tasks in sep7, 10 tasks in sep10) under the directory /MRE/data/txt/. We show how to download the dataset and how to combine the downloaded dataset with the data segmentation we provide in 2.1. We show how to run code in continual MRE in 2.2.

2.1 Data Download

The original dataset comes from MEGA. You can download the MRE dataset with detected visual objects using following command:

cd MRE
tar -xzvf data.tar.gz

You will get a folder named data. Please merge the obtained folder data with the folder MRE/data provided by us. The merged file tree can refer to section 1.1.

The MD5 checksum of the data.tar.gz file is f5337d7c91f22258581b9cb0ab569951. Please verify this MD5 checksum to ensure that the file you downloaded is complete.

2.2 How to Run

You can use following command:

python -u  --model_name='bert'  --vit_name='openai/clip-vit-base-patch32' --dataset_name='MRE'  --bert_name='bert-base-uncased' --num_epochs=10 --batch_size=2 --lr=0.00001  --eval_begin_epoch=1  --seed=1234 --do_train  --max_seq=80  --prompt_len=4  --aux_size=128  --rcnn_size=64 --gamma=1 --do_balance --alpha=0.1  --save_path='ckpt' --type_text='width' --type_vision='width' --key_lr=0.000001 --bias_lr=0.00001 --task_number=10 --notes='sep10'  --do_replay --do_random	

If you want to run in different task, you can set the --task_number to 5/7/10.

3. Continual MNER

In the continual MNER task, we propose a dataset under the continual learning scenario based on the Twitter2017 datasets. In view of the reason that the size of the original dataset is too large, we have established data segmentation under different tasks based on the id of the original data in this reponsitory. The data segmentation file of the lifelong benchmark we provide is in sep-PLOM(sep-PLOM is in the order of PER->LOC->ORG->MISC, sep-PLOM-NEW is in the order of PER->ORG->LOC->MISC) under the directory /MNER/data/twitter2017/. We show how to download the dataset and how to combine the downloaded dataset with the data segmentation we provide in 3.1. We show how to run code in continual MRE in 3.2.

3.1 Data Download

You can download the twitter2017 dataset via this link. Please merge the folder MNER/data/twitter2017 we provided with the extracted folder. The merged file tree can refer to section 1.1.

3.2 How to Run

You can use following command:

python -u --model_name='bert' --dataset_name='twitter17' --bert_name='bert-base-uncased' --vit_name='openai/clip-vit-base-patch32' --num_epochs=10 --batch_size=2 --lr=0.00003 --warmup_ratio=0 --eval_begin_epoch=1 --seed=1234 --do_train --ignore_idx=0 --max_seq=128 --aux_size=128 --rcnn_size=64 --do_balance --alpha=0.3 --gamma=0.1 --key_lr=0.000003 --bias_lr=0.00003 --crf_lr=0.05 --task_number=4 --notes='sep5' --type_text='width' --type_vision='width' --do_replay --do_random


If you use the code, please cite the following paper:

      title={Continual Multimodal Knowledge Graph Construction}, 
      author={Xiang Chen and Jintian Zhang and Xiaohan Wang and Tongtong Wu and Shumin Deng and Yongheng Wang and Luo Si and Huajun Chen and Ningyu Zhang},