Tamara Kolda Generalized Tensor Decompositions for Non-Normal Data
Amelia McNamara Teaching Data Communication
Karthik Ram What it takes to sustain an open source project
Mara Averick Sustainers of the Tidyverse
Gabriela de Queiroz Building a Community: The R-Ladies Story
Jan Hannig Deep Fiducial Inference
Amy Unruh 'ML Ops' and Productionizing Machine Learning Workflows
Erin LeDell Scalable Automatic Machine Learning with H2O
Alberto Cairo What You Design Is Not What People See
Matthew Brehmer The Design and Evaluation of Expressive Visualization Tools for Data-Driven Storytelling
Alberto Cairo What You Design Is Not What People See
Tim Erickson What Can Data Science Look Like in High School?
Jingchen Hu Teaching Upper Level Statistics Courses through a Shared/Hybrid Model
Ted Laderas Clinical Data Wrangling: An Active and Didactic Learning Workshop
Brendan Patrick Purdy Data Science and the Pedagogical Reform of Introductory Statistics
Lindsey J. Heagy Sharing Reproducible Computations on Binder
Chris Holdgraf Open Infrastructure in the Cloud with JupyterHub
John Laudun Data Science In/Among/With/Toward the Humanities
Stephen F. Elston Introduction to Visualization with Python
Dominik Moritz Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python - Part 1
Zuzanna Klyszejko Estimating Causal Effects in Large Scale Online Experiments and Designing Automated A/B Testing Platforms for Machine Learning
Christina Phan Knudson Gelman-Rubin: Improved Stability and a Principled Threshold
Brandeis Hill Marshall Learning the Language of BlackTwitter
Rachael Tatman An Introduction to Computational Sociolinguistics
Emily M. Bender English Isn't Generic for Language, Despite What NLP Papers Might Lead You to Believe
Albert Y. Kim Using Slack for Communication and Collaboration in the Classroom
Alison Hill Using Blogdown to Connect Beyond the Classroom
Kevin Ross Symbulate: Probability Simulations in Python
Michael Lawrence An R Interface to Hail
Navdeep Gill Interpretable Machine Learning Using rsparkling
Javier Luraschi Scaling Sparklyr with Streams and Arrow
Adrienne Zell Necessity Is the Mother of Invention: Evolution of a Data Science Team
Kyle Gorman Using Unit Testing to Teach Data Science
Allison Sliter Data Presentation For Everyone: Simple Ways to Educate without Teaching
Heather Nolis Together at Last: Heterogeneous Teams and the Key to Success
Mehar Singh Creating Effective Data Science Teams
Yujiao Mai An R Package for Linear Mediation Analysis with Complex Survey Data
Naim Al Mahi GREIN: An Interactive Web Platform for Re-Analyzing GEO RNA-Seq Data
Joseph Kurata Bradley Deep Learning Models at Scale with Apache Spark
Meg Drouhard The Politics of Data
Anissa Tanweer Beyond Methodological Rigor: Widening the Scope of Ethics in Data Science
Michael Freeman Teaching Data Visualization: Integrating Theory and Practice
Jerzy Wieczorek A Three-Part Data Visualization Curriculum
John M. EnnisAn Application of Linear Programming to Computational Statistics
James Blair Data Science with Databases and R
Michael I. Love Publishing Literate Programming Workflows in Scientific Journals
Tiffany Timbers When Should You Add Github, Make and Docker to Your Data Science Workflow?
Stephanie Hicks Useful Tools for Teaching and Outreach in Data Science: Workflows, Case Studies, Github Classroom, and Slack
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson Competition Based Teaching of Machine Learning
Kelly Nicole Bodwin Tools for R in Introductory Statistics Courses
Daniela Huppenkothen Hack Weeks as a Model for Data Science Education and Collaboration
Todd Iverson Teaching Data Science Students to Write Clean Code
Émilie Mayer Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Automatically Classify Logos on Shopping Receipts
Wayne Thompson SAS Viya: A Modern Scalable and Open Platform for Artificial Intelligence
Miles Q. Ott Ethics in an Advanced Undergraduate Seminar: Statistical Analysis of Social Network Data
Brianna Heggeseth Intertwining Data Ethics into Intro Stats
Matthew N. McCall Case Studies in Interoperability: From Generic Classes to Specific Functions
Pranita Pramod Patil Extracting Signal from the Noisy Environment of an Ecosystem
Kwadwo Agyei Nyantakyi Detection of Structural Changes in Correctly Specified and Misspecified Conditional Quantile Polynomial Distributed Lag (QPDL) Model Using Change-Point Analysis
Matthew A. Hawks Graph Theoretic Statistics for Change Detection and Localization in Multivariate Data
Alexander Greaves-Tunnell Statistical Evaluation of Long Memory in Recurrent Neural Networks
David Smith Minecraft, R, and Containers
Jacqueline Nolis Using Deep Learning in R to Generate Offensive License Plates
David Hunter Model-based clustering of large networks
Jeanette Kurian Birnbaum Statistical estimation of network models from egocentrically sampled network data
Will Landau Reproducible Computation at Scale in R
Mladen Kolar Machine Learning Methods for Estimation and Inference in Differential Networks
Akshay Krishnamurthy Online and Offline Experimentation in Complex Systems
Steven Drucker Unit Visualizations and the Grammar of Graphics
Claus Wilke ggplot2: An Extensible Platform for Publication-quality Graphics
CS54 - The IMS Program on Self-Consistency: a Fundamental Statistical Principle for Deriving Computational Algorithims
Xiao-Li Meng Likelihood-Free EM: Self-Consistency for Incomplete or Irregular-Pattern Data
Alex Tsodikov Self-Consistency as a Method to Develop Computationally Effective Algorithms for High-Dimensional Models
Fan Jiang Multiple-target Robust Design of a Coronary Stent with Multiple Functional Outputs
Zehao Xu Interactive Ggplots in R
Maia P Smith Visualizing associations of multiple related but distinct phenomena
Alyssa Ylescupidez Data visualization techniques for the analysis of eczema-affected specific regions of the body as predictors of food allergy risk
Colin Wiiter Rundel Using Rocker Containers and CI for Teaching R-Based Courses
Jim Harner RsparkHub: Scaling Rspark with Kubernetes
Brian Kim Teaching Data Science Using Jupyter Notebooks and Binder