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azivner edited this page Aug 15, 2018 · 35 revisions

Note attributes are key-value records owned by (assigned to) given note.

There are four types of attributes:

  • Labels - simple key-value text record
  • Relation - specifies named relation (link) to another note
  • Label and relation definition - these are described in Promoted attributes page

Sometimes we're talking about labels and relations - keep in mind that both of them are types of attributes and are very similar.


Labels are used for several things:

  • user can use them as labels with optional value - e.g. when catalogizing books, you might add labels like @year=1999, @genre=sci-fi, @author=Neal Stephenson
  • attributes can be used to configure some advanced features / settings - see below
  • plugins / scripts can use these to mark notes with some special values / metadata (e.g. note with imported reddit comment will have label with comment ID)

Labels can be used when searching.

Standard labels

Following labels are used for advanced configuration:

  • disableVersioning - disables auto-versioning. Useful for e.g. large, but unimportant notes - e.g. large JS libraries used for scripting
  • calendarRoot - marks note which should be used as root for day notes. Only one should be marked as such.
  • archived - notes with this label won't be visible in autocomplete-based search (jump to, add link). Applies also to all its sub-notes.
  • excludeFromExport - notes (with their sub-tree) won't be included in any note export
  • run - defines on which events script should run. Possible values are:
  • frontendStartup - when Trilium frontend starts up (or is refreshed).
  • backendStartup - when Trilium backend starts up
  • hourly - run once an hour
  • daily - run once a day
  • disableInclusion - scripts with this label won't be included into parent script execution.


Relation is a kind of link between two notes.

This could be used when you e.g. keep a people database, you can use relations to keep formal links between people - e.g. note "Mike" will have relation "is husband of" note "Kate".

More importantly relations are used for some more advanced things - like attaching scripts to events happening on certain note.

Standard relations

  • runOnNoteView - attached script will be run whenever the note has been loaded
  • runOnNoteTitleChange - attached script will be run whenever the note title has been changed
  • runOnAttributeChange - attached script will be run whenever the note's attribute has been changed
  • inheritAttributes - attached note's attributes will be inherited even without parent-child relationship


Attributes allow multiplicity - there can be multiple attributes with the same name. We're then calling such attributes "multivalue".

Attribute inheritance

Every attribute has a flag called isInheritable. If this is true, then this attribute (key-value) is also applied to all its children notes, children's children notes etc.

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