This module contains OSGi service interfaces and implementations to use Rhyme in an OSGI R7 container with the JAX-RS Whiteboard
It's meant to be used in combination with related Caravan projects:
- Resilient HTTP - an asynchronous resilient HTTP transport layer (required)
- JSON Pipeline - for aggregation, slicing and caching of JSON responses (optional)
is an alternative to the core module'sHalApiClient
based on the Resilient HTTP project- if the JSON Pipeline bundles are available in the OSGI container, then they will be used for caching
- a wrapper around the core module'sAsyncHalResponseRender
that renders resources into JAX-RSAsyncResponse
- osgi-jaxrs-example-service - an example for a fully asynchronous service implementation
- osgi-jaxrs-example-launchpad - the launchpad to start that example service (and run some integration tests)
- See the main README for a general introduction to the usage of the Rhyme framework
- See the Javadocs for the OSGi / JAX-RS integration API at
- The Javadocs for the core framework can be found at