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We assume that all the maps required for planning are ready under exp_data. You can either download the pre-built maps or create them by yourself (see README).

The workflow

Step 0: Start roscore and rviz

Start roscore and rviz. In rviz, you can select the configurations under act_map_exp/rviz_cfgs:

  • quad_rrt_warehouse.rviz: for the RRT* experiment
  • quad_opt_warehouse.rviz: for the trajectory optimization experiment

Step 1: Launch the planner and get the maps ready

2.1 Launch the planners

The planners are in the following launch files, with different map types

  • RRT
    • launch/quad_rrt_warehouse_quadratic.launch
    • launch/quad_rrt_warehouse_gp.launch
  • Trajectory optimization
    • launch/quad_traj_opt_warehouse_quadratic.launch
    • launch/quad_traj_opt_warehouse_gp.launch

One can configure whether full FIM or trace should be used, as well as the node name. For example:

roslaunch act_map_exp quad_rrt_warehouse_gp.launch node_name:=quad_rrt kernel_type:=GPInfo

will create a information field with full FIM and GP visibility approximation. Available options for kernel_type are

  • GPInfo and GPTrace: GP visibility approximations
  • QInfo and QTrace: Quadratic visibility approximations (ICRA10 implementation)

See the launch files and quad_rrt_node.cpp/quad_traj_opt_node.cpp for details.

2.2 Get Voxblox Layers

For ESDF, we launch a voxblox node and pass the voxblox layers per topic.

Alternatively, we can also directly load the ESDF/TSDF layers in the planner.

First launch the node

roslaunch act_map_ros voxblox_warehouse.launch

Then load the layers

rosservice call /voxblox_node/load_map "file_path: '<abs_path_to_vxblx_file>'"
rosservice call /voxblox_node/generate_mesh

Last publish the layers

# in act_map_exp/scripts

You should see corresponding output in the terminals where the planners are launched.

2.3 Get FIF Layers

One can load the saved map with

rosservice call /<node_name>/load_act_map_layers "file_path: '<abs_path>'"

where the '<abs_path>' should points to a folder contains both the FIF layer and occupancy layer serializations (e.g., one of the folders under exp_data/warehouse_FIF).

Alternatively, we can also pass the FIF via topic, as in the ESDF case.

Note that the used map here should be consistent with the kernel_type selected above, otherwise an warning will be raised in the process of de-serialization.

Step 2: Run the planners and evaluate

3.1 Run the planners

Since the planners (in our case, RRT* and trajectory optimization) inherits the PlannerBase class, they share the same interfaces (e.g., services) for planning tasks. Therefore, the workflow for the RRT* and trajectory optimization experiments are the same, as described below.

With a planner where the Voxblox layers and information field are loaded, we first need to set the planner state (e.g., start, goal, cost. etc) and then start planning.

First set the planner state

rosservice call /<planner_node>/set_planner_state "config: '<abs_path_to_config>'"

where <abs_path_to_config> is a yaml file containing all the parameters. An example can be found under act_map_exp/params/quad_rrt/warehouse/warehouse_rrt_trial.yaml and act_map_exp/params/quad_traj_opt/warehouse_traj_opt_trial.yaml for the RRT* and trajectory optimization experiment respectively. In the yaml file, save_traj_abs_dir is the folder where the planning results will be saved and should point to an existing folder on your machine.

Then run the planner

rosservice call /quad_rrt_gp_info/plan_vis_save

The results (e.g., sampled poses on the planned motion, time consumed) are saved in the folder specified in the configuration file, and you can see the visualization in RViZ.

At this point, you can call the set_planner_state service to run the experiment again without having to setup the maps from scratch.

3.2 Results and Evaluation

After the plan_vis_save service is called, planning results, such as different costs during the trajectory optimization, number of vertices/edges during RRT* execution and the sampled poses on the planned trajectory/path will be saved in the save_traj_abs_dir mentioned above.

The planner specific results (e.g., optimization cost for trajectory optimization, vertices for RRT*) are saved in plain text and should be read easily. See examples in scripts and, where these results are read and compared across different experiments.

To evaluate the localization quality of the planned motion, we need to render images from stamped_Twc_ue.txt and localize the rendered images with respect to a SfM model, as described here