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Mapping with UnrealEngine

Here we describe how we can get different information from the UnrealEngine (NVIDIA Isaac in our case) for motion planning. The instructions basically describes how the provided maps are built. It should be easy to adapt it to other environment (UnrealCV integrated UnrealEngine game/simulation). Note that the interaction with UnrealEngine simulator is done via the code in unrealcv_bridge.

Create an ESDF for collision avoidance

First, start the simulation environment


We then use the code from act_map_ros to scan the environment and build ESDF. Below is a summary of the workflow, and for details please read the documentation in act_map_ros.

Launch RVIZ and use the configuration file act_map_ros/cfgs/warehouse.rviz to visualize.

Launch the Voxblox node:

roslaunch act_map_ros voxblox_warehouse.launch

Launch the virtual sensor using UnrealCV:

roslaunch act_map_ros ue_provider_node.launch auto_scan:=true

Then you will see something like this (after some scanning):

Per default, the voxblox node will not publish the built ESDF and mesh shown above,, for which you can do it manually

rosservice call /voxblox_node/publish_pointclouds
rosservice call /voxblox_node/generate_mesh

Finally, when the scanning is done, you can save the map:

rosservice call /voxblox_node/save_map "file_path: '<abs_path_to_save>/tsdf.vxblx'"

Alternatively, you can also use auto_scan:=false and manually control the camera in the simulator to follow whatever path you prefer.

Create a SfM model for localization

For this part, you need to be able to use our COLMAP scripts. See the instructions there for necessary setups.

First, start the simulation environment


We then use the code from unrealcv_bridge to render images and code in colmap_utils to build the SfM model. Please read the related documentations for details. We summarize the necessary steps below.

First, record a camera trajectory to render images from. Run the pose recorder:

rosrun unrealcv_bridge --out_dir ./ --Hz 10 --timeout 30

You can download the trajectory that we used here. Then in the folder with the pose file

rosrun unrealcv_bridge ./warehouse_ue_xyzpyr_ue.txt --unreal_ini <unrealcv_ini> --save_dir ./warehouse_r2_a20

where <unrealcv_ini> points to the configuration file of your simulator (to get the correct camera intrinsics) and warehouse_ue_xyzpyr_ue.txt is the recorded/downloaded pose file.

At this point, you should have a folder structure like

├── images
├── img_name_to_colmap_Tcw.txt
├── img_nm_to_colmap_cam.txt
└── ue_xyzpyr.txt

Finally, run COLMAP reconstruction in warehouse_r2_a20:

python3 <colmap_utils_dir>/ ./ --img_to_colmap_cam_list ./img_nm_to_colmap_cam.txt --img_to_colmap_pose_list ./img_name_to_colmap_Tcw.txt  --overwrite_db --tri_filter_max_reproj 2.0 --tri_filter_min_angle 20.0

and this will give the SfM model used in our experiment. You can also change --tri_filter_max_reproj to 1.0 and --tri_filter_min_angle to 30.0 to only keep more accurate landmarks.

Create a DepthMap to help visibility check

First, change the simulator configuration file to something like (to keep it consistent with the hardcoded intrinsics in exp/exp_build_depth_map.cpp:


❗ Remember to change it back after finishing building the depth map, since we can only use the configuration file to change the camera intrinsics.

Then create a folder build_depth_map under act_map/trace, and run:

rosrun act_map exp_build_depth_map  --config_fn dm_warehouse_test.txt  --step_deg 2

This will sample the depth from the environment according to the file act_map/cfg/dm_warehouse_test.txt and save it under act_map/trace/build_depth_map. After building the map, you can visualize it following the instructions here.

Note that the default setting will take some time to build the depth map. You can increase the vox_size or reduce x/y/z ranges for a shorter scanning time.