- Rod Burns, Chair (Codeplay)
- Evgeny Drapkin (GE Healthcare)
- Penporn Koanantakool (Google)
- John Melonakos (Intel)
- Megan Knight (Arm)
- Andy Wafaa (Arm)
- Dave Murray (Imagination)
- Melissa Aranzamendez (Linux Foundation)
- Alison Richards (Intel)
- The budget has been sent out for approval by the Steering Committee, aim to complete by end of year
- The SC24 conference was a big success
- The breakfast meetup on Monday had ~40 people
- It was a chance for some of the committee to meet face to face
- There was a request to obtain the registration list from the day
- The panel and presentations from members were great
- Alison, Andy and Megan attended the Linux Foundation Member Meeting
- Alison presented a session on UXL Foundation
- There was some good interest and conversations
- The group talked about a face to face Steering Committee meeting
- Aiming for one of the Linux Foundation Open Source Summits
- Hopefully can coincide with a UXL Foundation track at the event
- Rod will follow up to figure out which would work best for everyone
- The group held a retrospective on the General Meeting
- There was good attendance from 16+ organisations out of 32 members
- Most attendees stayed for the majority of the 3.5 hours
- In general there was positive feedback on the meeting with members bringing some feedback
- We will send out a survey to attendees in a post meeting email
- Feedback from individual members said it was useful for them
- A new topic was discussed on different AI programming models
- This will be coordinated by John for an upcoming committee meeting
- The group talked about how to run the meetings in 2025
- Each organisation could run a meeting and lead on a topic
- Each organisation could present their motivations for the year