Refactor TODOs
Things to prioritize:
Cypress tests
- Ensure Cypress tests run and continue to run during refactor
- New tests?
- Stepper
- invalid login on stepper expects to behave normally
- click through steps at each progress
- back/next button after each progress
Other issues noted:
- obs-sn issues:
- includes SupportReference by default. Default should only be the Note column
Confusing Naming conventions
- saveCache?
- stateValues?
Console Errors
- Go through each error and warning and address each one
Borrow, Bend, Break, Begat, Build
- Build a new DatatableTranslatable not on MUI Datatables
Dependency updates
- Material UI v5.x (latest would remove @mui/labs)
Consistent Functional Design patterns
- remove React.memo from class based React Components
Confusing Naming conventions
- QuoteSelector? => ScriptureHeader
KISS: Keep It Stupid Simple
- Reduce complexity of data flow
- Shortened long files by abstracting portions
- State management?
- Nested Contexts?
- Prop drilling?
Performance bottleneck:
- makeStyles. Can we find an alternative or reduce renders?
- Explore one scripture pane at a time
- React Waypoint, isVisible trigger rendering
Shorten files <125 lines to reduce cognitive load
- Workspace.js
- Dialogs for critical errors
- App.js
- headroom functions
- resumed state
- dialog: autosave
- dialog: source file validation
- Translatable.js
- authentication dialog
- saveRetry()
- saveOnTranslation()
- autoSaveOnEdit()
- useStyles
- TranslatableTSV.js
- abstracted useValidation.js
- App.context.js
- abstracted useGiteReactToolkit.js
- FilesHeader.js
- abstracted to smaller components
- ApplicationStepper.js
- abstracted lifecycle/state to useApplicationStepper
- abstracted NetlifyBadge
DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself
- Reduce Copies of Translatable
- what are the columns (can we automate?)
- default row columns (can we simplify?)
- Reduce copies of RowHeader
- Scripture or not
Bugs to Address
- click on step doesn't take you there
- authenticaiton error goes to File step without anything else
- back button crashes
- ensure all validation that worked before works
Must use the uw-tsv-parser package to parse TSV files; these cases noted:
- SQ is not previewing correctly.
- SN is not previewing correctly.
- obs-sq is not previewing correctly.
The row toolbar is missing.
- obs-sq
- obs-sn
- obs-tn
- obs-tq