#An epistle for true love, unity, and order in the Church of Christ against the spirit of discord, disorder and confusion &c. : recommended to friends in truth chiefly for the sake of the weak and unstable minded for information and encouragement in our Christian unity and society, held in the spirit of Christ both in faith and practice / by two servants of the Church according to our measures, Anne Whitehead, Mary Elson.#
##Whitehead, Anne, 1624-1686.## An epistle for true love, unity, and order in the Church of Christ against the spirit of discord, disorder and confusion &c. : recommended to friends in truth chiefly for the sake of the weak and unstable minded for information and encouragement in our Christian unity and society, held in the spirit of Christ both in faith and practice / by two servants of the Church according to our measures, Anne Whitehead, Mary Elson. Whitehead, Anne, 1624-1686.
##General Summary##
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Major revisions
- 2010-08 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
- 2010-09 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
- 2010-11 Pip Willcox Sampled and proofread
- 2010-11 Pip Willcox Text and markup reviewed and edited
- 2011-06 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion
##Content Summary##
#####Front##### AN EPISTLE FOR True Love, Vnity AND ORDER IN THE Church of Chriſt.Againſt the Spirit of Diſcord, Diſ #####Body#####
An EPISTLE for true Love, Ʋnity and Order, &c.
A true Information of our bleſſed Womens Meeting (for we are bleſſed, and the Lord hath bleſſed us, praiſed be that Everlaſting Arm of Power, that gathered us in the beginning to be a Meeting) betwixt three or four and twenty Years ago.
- BOOKS Printed and Sold by Andrew Sowle at the Crooked Billet in Holloway-Lane in Shoreditch.
People (3)
- Ala
- Ola
- Tola
Types of content
- Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!
There are 1 ommitted fragments! @reason (1) : illegible (1) • @resp (1) : #OXF (1) • @extent (1) : 2 letters (1)
Character listing
Text | string(s) | codepoint(s) |
Latin-1 Supplement | | 173 |
Latin Extended-A | ſ | 383 |
Latin Extended-B | Ʋ | 434 |
General Punctuation | —• | 8212 8226 |
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