Custom urql
exchange that uses Tauri's IPC system to resolve queries against a GraphQL endpoint.
$ pnpm add mizuki-urql-adapter
# or
$ npm install mizuki-urql-adapter
# or
$ yarn add mizuki-urql-adapter
You need to register the plugin with Tauri first! Please see the top-level Readme for a full example.
Import and use the custom exchange to connect to the GraphQL endpoint exposed over IPC.
import { getExchanges } from 'mizuki-urql-adapter'
import { createClient, useQuery, useSubscription } from "@urql/preact"
const client = createClient({
url: 'graphql', // not important but needed to releive some Typescript errors
exchanges: [...getExchanges('myPlugin')]
const heroQuery = `
query {
hero {
function Hero() {
const [result, reexecuteQuery] = useQuery({
query: heroQuery
const {data, fetching, error} = result
if (fetching) return <p>Loading...</p>
if (error) return <p>Oh no... {error.message}</p>
return <p>The hero is {}</p>
const newMessages = `
subscription MessageSub {
function handleSubscription(messages = [], response) {
return [response.helloWorld, ...messages]
function TestSubscription() {
const [res] = useSubscription({query: newMessages}, handleSubscription)
if (! {
return <p>No new messages</p>
return <p>{}</p>