- Moderator: @johnnyman727
- Notes: @HipsterBrown
- Attending: @frijol, @tcr, @rwaldron
- @frijol check in w/ potential project champion re Reach!!
- @hipsterbrown work with @frijol to get customer feedback
- @tcr move forward on email sender migration
- @hipsterbrown and @rwaldron move forward on captive portal
- @tcr document TELEC test
- @johnnyman727 clean up issues on CLI
- @frijol add issues to all repos that they need CoCs
- @frijol do a Meet a Tesselator on self
- @frijol has reached out to a potential Reach project champion, got a response with further questions to clarify to intent and purpose of Reach. Hopeful we can bring them in to help answer those questions. Will continue to communicate with them. 🌟
- @tcr SendInBlue is the best alternative to MailChimp moving forward, hopefully full switch in the next 2 weeks. 📧
- @tcr TELEC test will be done by tomorrow/this week. 👌
- @johnnyman727 closed several dozen stale issues 👏
- @frijol created CoC badge issues for nearly every Tessel repo 🎉
- @frijol created a Meet a Tesselator post 👀
@johnnyman727 to @tcr, can you update your Window's fix gist?
@frijol what repos are still relevant? Can we remove some of the Tessel 1 repos? Or uncompleted projects? When making global changes to our org, like adding a CoC badge to README, there are a lot of projects that have not been touched in a while.
@tcr what does it mean to have an unmaintained repo? How do we make that apparent at a glance?
@hipsterbrown How can a community member claim a repo to maintain?
@tcr We should have standard copy for unmaintained repos and how to claim them. We can try it out on tessel/cc3000-async.
@frijol Did we ever get money from Seeed for sold Tessels and modules?
@hipsterbrown Got an estimate from TesselCamp co-working, $350/day including food and coffee.
@rwaldron Bocoup might have some budget in the Web-Connected Devices department for sponsoring
@johnnyman727 working more on a new project/company related to climate change, will be stepping down from Tessel Steering Committee after TesselCamp but will continue to contribute to the project.
- @tcr test sweatshirt designs with women as well before approval
- @hipsterbrown draft TWIT with at least survey, @frijol interview, and @johnnyman727 post
- @johnnyman727 publish language deployment post
- @tcr send out test mailer with SendInBlue
- @hipsterbrown captive portal RFC draft done in 2 weeks
- @tcr update Window's fix gist
- @tcr draft PR to create unmaintained notice copy on tessel/cc3000-async
- @johnnyman727 email Jasmine about Seeed money
- @rwaldron look into budget for TesselCamp co-working space