FCC update
they were able to test all items
problem with the 40mhz waveform; procuring an RF explorer to finish this step
met with Seeed
improved outreach with maker communities in the US
excited to reach out for general manufacturing
@kelsey get back to Seeed about fetching modules
support email restored
jon cleared through all the issues
@jonmckay go through celery orders to assure all subtotals are correct
support items from last week!
rwaldron t2-start
@kelsey want to revise the teaching wifi section first
team membership not super active
occasionally touch base with mentees, busy or working
milestones and action items to incentivize people?
pull people back into this issue
associate CLI releases with 0.X.0 releases
milestones in the README are actually complete; refresh and align with releases
@rwaldron assign milestones to particular issues
plan to meet at the developer summit
@tim create an agenda page in project repo and send it out
goal: go out for dinner and drinks
goal: how open source hardware dev should go
goal: how to foster a community of asynchronous contributions and incentives
goal: how to exploit the SAMD chipset better; architecture of micro<->CPU; developer discussion
goal: getting tessel more used in node/hardware community
goal: new product goals- board or module?
goal: more people to work on OpenWRT and firmware
SUREFIRE SELL: mediatek and coprocessor, host and arduino relationship boiled down into one board
realtime capabilities are intricately married to the board
"the whole notion of an asynchronous processor!"
ping relevant people discussion from last week
Rick: notes Kelsey: moderator