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Python library for interfacing with Motion Blinds

This library allows you to control Motion Blinds from Coulisse B.V. This library is primarly writen to be used with HomeAssistant but can also be used stand alone.

For products see or

Shops that sell these blinds:

Other brands of blinds

This python library is primarly written for the Motion Blinds, but some other manufacturers use the same API and therefore this library also works with those brands. The following brands have been reported to also work with this python library:


Use pip:

$ pip install motionblinds


$ pip install --use-wheel motionblinds

Retrieving Key

The Motion Blinds API uses a 16 character key that can be retrieved from the official "Motion Blinds" app for Ios or Android. Open the app, click the 3 dots in the top right corner, go to "settings", go to "Motion APP About", Please quickly tap this "Motion APP About" page 5 times, a popup will apear that gives you the key.

alt text alt text

Please note that "-" characters need to be included in the key when providing it to this library. The key needs to be simular to "12ab345c-d67e-8f"


For creation of a device you could use the following lines of codes (using a correct IP of the gateway and Key retrieved from the App)

from motionblinds import MotionGateway
m = MotionGateway(ip = "", key = "12ab345c-d67e-8f")

This library is not polling. Thus you need to populate the connected blinds using the GetDeviceList method and update device information using the Update method. Note that multicast pushes from the gateway can be processed to retrieve instant status updates (see Multicast pushes section)


Note that GetDeviceList needs to be run before using Update since the device_type, mac and token are retrieved using the GetDeviceList method. Once the connected blinds are discoverd using the GetDeviceList method, they can be listed by the device_list property:


This will return a dict with as key the mac_adress of the blind and as value a MotionBlind device that can be used to retreive information of that blind and control that blind.

Some example code that will print the information of the gateway and all conected blinds:

>>> from motionblinds import MotionGateway
>>> m = MotionGateway(ip = "", key = "12ab345c-d67e-8f")
>>> m.GetDeviceList()
{'abcdefghujkl0001': <MotionBlind mac: abcdefghujkl0001, type: None, status: None, position: None %, angle: None, limit: None, battery: None, RSSI: None dBm>}
>>> m.Update()
>>> print(m)
<MotionGateway ip:, mac: abcdefghujkl, protocol: 0.9, N_devices: 1, status: Working, RSSI: -71 dBm>
>>> for blind in m.device_list.values():
>>>     blind.Update()
>>>     print(blind)
<MotionBlind mac: abcdefghujkl0001, type: RollerBlind, status: Stopped, position: 0 %, angle: 0, limit: Limits, battery: 1195, RSSI: -82 dBm>

To open a blind the following example code can be used:

>>> from motionblinds import MotionGateway
>>> m = MotionGateway(ip = "", key = "12ab345c-d67e-8f")
>>> m.GetDeviceList()
>>> m.Update()
>>> blind_1 = list(m.device_list.values())[0]
>>> blind_1.Update()
>>> blind_1.Open()

Instead of blind_1.Open() you can also use blind_1.Close(), blind_1.Stop(), blind_1.Set_position(50) or blind_1.Set_angle(90)

Multicast pushes

This library allows to listen for multicast pushes from the gateway (in a parallel thread or using asyncio) and process these pushes to get instant updates of the gateway and connected blinds status. To use this parallel pushes processing a MotionMulticast/AsyncMotionMulticast class object needs to be initilized. The MotionMulticast.Start_listen()/AsyncMotionMulticast.Start_listen() and MotionMulticast.Stop_listen()/AsyncMotionMulticast.Stop_listen() can then be used to start and stop the parallel thread that is listening for incoming pushes. The MotionMulticast/AsyncMotionMulticast class object can be supplied to the MotionGateway class to let it update that gateway and its connected blinds. Externall callbacks can be registered for both gateway devices and blind devices (see tables below) If UDP multicast messages are not coming through, try using the IP adress of the host running the code as the interface instead of "any".

Parallel thread

An example code to listen for pushes for 30 seconds and print out gateway or blind information when a push comes in (when a blind finishes moving) using a parallel thread:

import time
from motionblinds import MotionMulticast, MotionGateway

def callback_func_gateway():

def callback_func_blind():
    for blind in m.device_list.values():

motion_multicast = MotionMulticast(interface = "any")

m = MotionGateway(ip="", key="12ab345c-d67e-8f", multicast = motion_multicast)

m.Register_callback("1", callback_func_gateway)
for blind in m.device_list.values():
    blind.Register_callback("1", callback_func_blind)




An example code to listen for pushes for 30 seconds and print out gateway or blind information when a push comes in (when a blind finishes moving) using asyncio:

import asyncio
from motionblinds import AsyncMotionMulticast, MotionGateway

async def asyncio_demo(loop):
    def callback_func_gateway():

    def callback_func_blind():
        for blind in m.device_list.values():

    motion_multicast = AsyncMotionMulticast(interface = "any")
    await motion_multicast.Start_listen()

    m = MotionGateway(ip="", key="12ab345c-d67e-8f", multicast = motion_multicast)
    await loop.run_in_executor(None, m.GetDeviceList)
    await loop.run_in_executor(None, m.Update)

    m.Register_callback("1", callback_func_gateway)
    for blind in m.device_list.values():
        blind.Register_callback("1", callback_func_blind)

    await asyncio.sleep(30)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


Motion Gateways can be discovered on your network using the MotionDiscovery class. The following example will try to discover gateways for 10 seconds and then print a dict containg the gateways and their connected blinds that were discovered.

>>> from motionblinds import MotionDiscovery
>>> d = MotionDiscovery()
>>> motion_gateways =
>>> print(motion_gateways)

{'': {
    'msgType': 'GetDeviceListAck',
    'mac': 'abcdefghujkl',
    'deviceType': '02000002',
    'ProtocolVersion': '0.9',
    'token': '12345A678B9CDEFG',
    'data': [
        {'mac': 'abcdefghujkl',     'deviceType': '02000002'},
        {'mac': 'abcdefghujkl0001', 'deviceType': '10000000'},
        {'mac': 'abcdefghujkl0002', 'deviceType': '10000000'}

Gateway device

A gateway device (that was asigned to variable 'm') has the following methods and properties:

method arguments argument type explanation
"m.GetDeviceList()" - - Get the device list from the Motion Gateway and update the properties listed below
"m.Update()" - - Get the status of the Motion Gateway and update the properties listed below
"m.Check_gateway_multicast()" - - Check if multicast messages can be received with the configured multicast listener
"m.Register_callback("1", func) id, callback string, function Register a external callback function for updates of the gateway
"m.Remove_callback("1") id string Remove a external callback using its id
"m.Clear_callbacks() - - Remove all external registered callbacks for updates of the gateway
property value type explanation
"m.available" boolean Return if the gateway is available
"m.status" string Return gateway status: from GatewayStatus enum
"m.N_devices" int Return the number of connected child devices
"m.RSSI" int Return the Wi-Fi connection strength of the gateway in dBm
"m.token" string Return the Token
"m.access_token" string Return the AccessToken
"m.mac" string Return the mac address of the gateway
"m.device_type" string Return the device type of the gateway
"m.protocol" string Return the protocol version of the gateway
"m.firmware" string Return the firmware version of the gateway
"m.device_list" dict Return a dict containing all blinds connected to the gateway, The keys in the dict are the mac adresses of the blinds.

Blind device

A blind device (that was asigned to variable 'blind_1') has the following methods and properties, arguments between () are optional:

method arguments argument type explanation
"blind_1.Update_from_cache()" - - Get the status of the blind from the cache of the Motion Gateway, No 433MHz radio communication with the blind takes place
"blind_1.Update_trigger()" - - Get the status of the blind from the cache of the Motion Gateway and request a 433MHz radio communication with the blind for a new status (not awaited)
"blind_1.Update()" - - Get the status of the blind from the blind through the Motion Gateway (WiFi) using 433MHz radio communication between the gateway and the blind
"blind_1.Stop()" - - Stop the motion of the blind
"blind_1.Open()" - - Open the blind/move the blind up
"blind_1.Close()" - - Close the blind/move the blind down
"blind_1.Set_position(50)" postion, (angle), (restore_angle) int (0-100), int (0-180), boolean Set the position of the blind, optionaly set angle or restore current angle
"blind_1.Set_angle(90)" angle int (0-180) Set the angle/rotation of the blind
"blind_1.Jog_up()" - - Open the blind/move the blind one step up
"blind_1.Jog_down()" - - Close the blind/move the blind one step down
"blind_1.Go_favorite_position()" - - Move the blind to the favorite position
"blind_1.Set_favorite_position()" - - Set current position as favorite position, first you need to put the blind in configuration mode by pressing the reset button shortly
"blind_1.Register_callback("1", func) id, callback string, function Register a external callback function for updates of the blind
"blind_1.Remove_callback("1") id string Remove a external callback using its id
"blind_1.Clear_callbacks() - - Remove all external registered callbacks for updates of the blind
property value type explanation
"blind_1.device_type" string Return the device type which is a 8 character number
"blind_1.blind_type" string Return the type of the blind from BlindType enum
"blind_1.type" enum Return the type of the blind as a BlindType enum
"blind_1.mac" string Return the mac address of the blind
"blind_1.available" boolean Return if the blind is available
"blind_1.status" string Return the current status of the blind from BlindStatus enum
"blind_1.limit_status" string Return the current status of the limit detection of the blind from LimitStatus enum
"blind_1.position" int Return the current position of the blind in % (0-100)
"blind_1.angle" int Return the current angle of the blind 0-180
"blind_1.battery_voltage" double Return the current battery voltage of the blind in V
"blind_1.battery_level" double Return the current battery level of the blind in %
"blind_1.is_charging" boolean Return if the blind is currently charging its battery
"blind_1.RSSI" int Return the radio connection strength of the blind to the gateway in dBm
"blind_1.wireless_mode" enum Return the wireless mode of the blind as a WirelessMode enum
"blind_1.wireless_name" string Return the wireless mode of the blind from WirelessMode enum
"blind_1.voltage_mode" enum Return the voltage mode of the blind as a VoltageMode enum
"blind_1.voltage_name" string Return the voltage mode of the blind from VoltageMode enum

Top Down Bottom Up (TDBU) device

A TDBU blind device has two motors designated by "T" = Top and "B" = Bottom to control the two parts of the blind. Both parts can be controlled together using "C" = Combined as the motor. The TDBU device (that was asigned to variable 'blind_1') has the following methods and properties:

method arguments argument type explanation
"blind_1.Update()" - - Get the status of the blind from the Motion Gateway
"blind_1.Stop(motor = 'B')" motor 'B', 'T' or 'C' Stop the motion of Bottom or Top motor of the blind
"blind_1.Open(motor = 'B')" motor 'B', 'T' or 'C' Move the Bottom or Top motor of the blind up
"blind_1.Close(motor = 'B')" motor 'B', 'T' or 'C' Move the Bottom or Top motor of the blind down
"blind_1.Set_position(50, motor = 'B', width = 20)" position, motor, width int (0-100), 'B', 'T' or 'C', int (0-100) Set the position of the Bottom or Top motor of the blind, optionaly specify width
"blind_1.Set_scaled_position(50, motor = 'B')" position, motor int (0-100), 'B', 'T' or 'C' Set the position of the motor of the blind within the alowed space in which it can move
"blind_1.Set_angle(90, motor = 'B')" angle, motor int (0-180), 'B', 'T' or 'C' Set the angle/rotation of the Bottom or Top motor of the blind
"blind_1.Jog_up(motor = 'B')" motor 'B', 'T' or 'C' Move the Bottom or Top motor of the blind one step up
"blind_1.Jog_down(motor = 'B')" motor 'B', 'T' or 'C' Move the Bottom or Top motor of the blind one step down
"blind_1.Go_favorite_position()" - - Move the blind to the favorite position
"blind_1.Set_favorite_position()" - - Set current position as favorite position, first you need to put the blind in configuration mode by pressing the reset button shortly
"blind_1.Register_callback("1", func) id, callback string, function Register a external callback function for updates of the blind
"blind_1.Remove_callback("1") id string Remove a external callback using its id
"blind_1.Clear_callbacks() - - Remove all external registered callbacks for updates of the blind
property value type explanation
"blind_1.device_type" string Return the device type which is a 8 character number
"blind_1.blind_type" string Return the type of the blind from BlindType enum
"blind_1.type" enum Return the type of the blind as a BlindType enum
"blind_1.mac" string Return the mac address of the blind
"blind_1.available" boolean Return if the blind is available
"blind_1.status" {"T": string, "B": string} Return the current status of the blind from BlindStatus enum
"blind_1.limit_status" {"T": string, "B": string} Return the current status of the limit detection of the blind from LimitStatus enum
"blind_1.position" {"T": int, "B": int, "C": double} Return the current position of the blind in % (0-100)
"blind_1.scaled_position" {"T": double, "B": double, "C": double} Return the current position of the blind, scaled to the alowed space in which it can move, in % (0-100)
"blind_1.width" int Return the area that is covered by the blind in % (0-100)
"blind_1.angle" {"T": int, "B": int} Return the current angle of the blind 0-180
"blind_1.battery_voltage" {"T": double, "B": double} Return the current battery voltage of the blind in V
"blind_1.battery_level" {"T": double, "B": double} Return the current battery level of the blind in %
"blind_1.is_charging" boolean Return if the blind is currently charging its battery
"blind_1.RSSI" int Return the radio connection strength of the blind to the gateway in dBm
"blind_1.wireless_mode" enum Return the wireless mode of the blind as a WirelessMode enum
"blind_1.wireless_name" string Return the wireless mode of the blind from WirelessMode enum
"blind_1.voltage_mode" enum Return the voltage mode of the blind as a VoltageMode enum
"blind_1.voltage_name" string Return the voltage mode of the blind from VoltageMode enum