This is an open source (GPL3) release of SourceGear DiffMerge.
Example command lines to build:
cd sgdm3
# Mac
ARCH=arm64 make -f Makefile.Apple
ARCH=x86_64 make -f Makefile.Apple
# Windows
TARGET_PLATFORM=x64 make -f Makefile.Windows
TARGET_PLATFORM=x86 make -f Makefile.Windows
# Linux
make -f Makefile.Linux
From time to time, we may publish builds here as a GitHub release.
Currently, the platforms included are:
- macOS arm64 and x86_64 (dmg)
- Windows x64 and x86 (msi and zip)
- Ubuntu amd64 (deb)
Please note that macOS builds are neither signed nor notarized.