These small tools help hold M3 nuts at the correct spacing for rover assembly. Each is single use as they are left in place after rover assembly.
CAD source Clips and Shims
3D Printing STL Files:
- Clip2n125.stl for holding two M3 nuts 12.5mm apart.
- Clip3n20.stl for holding three M3 nuts 20mm apart.
3D Printing Notes
- These tools are single nozzle width wide, so individually they are very fast to print in a single motion.
- Since they are fast and take very little material, go ahead and print extras. Some will be unusable due to random 3D printer problems, some may break in use, and some will be lost because they're so small.
- We will need at least 12 copies of Clip3n20.stl
- We will need at least 88 copies of Clip2n125.stl