- Migrated to the new package template (APE17)
- Moved from travis to github actions for CI
- Moved from coveralls to codecov for test coverage reporting
- adjustable stellar priors
- 2D pPDFs added
- improvements to AST generation
- AGB stellar atmosphere models
- tool scripts expanded and documented
- some scripts system callable (e.g., 'beast get_libfiles')
- examples moved to separate repository
- automated testing expanded
- various documentation updates and bugfixes
- python 2 support dropped
- splitting run_beast.py up to be more pythonic
- AGB model atmospheres added
- generalized dust extinction curves (via dust_extinction package)
- can simulate observations based on physics/observation model
- observationmodel split by background or source density
- very simple splinter observationmodel added
- symlog used to support negative values in log pPDFs
- various documentation updates and bugfixes
- systemic velocity of galaxy can be specified
- symlog used for flux pPDFs of with negative values
- ASTs can be based on source density or surface brightness
- model grid can be split up to allow parallel execution
- resulting pPDFs can be reassembled
- various bugfixes
- pip installable version
- library files in BEAST_PATH, ~/.beast, or in src directory beast/beast/libs
- automated regression testing
- distance added as 7th variable
- optimized generation of ASTs for toothpick model
- ASTs locations in observed images can be based on residual surface brightness image
- various bugfixes
- initial release
- fully functioning code