Rebecca Miller-Webster is a software engineer, educator, and engineering leader. She is the founder of Write/Speak/Code and the Director of Client Apps at GitHub.
Rebecca has been developing software professionally for almost 20 years, previously organized GORUCO, and was the founding teacher at Dev Bootcamp NYC. She has taught hundreds of coders of all experience levels in software development, public speaking, leadership, communication and oppression.
Rebecca holds an Masters in Computer Science and a BA in Women and Gender Studies from Washington University in St. Louis and was named one of 7 Brillant Women in Tech by Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.
Rebecca's hobbies include reading romance novels, writing, playing guitar, being quasi-successful at having plants, cuddling pugs, & wearing all the colors.
And she changes her hair. A lot.
Rebecca Miller-Webster is a software engineer, educator, and engineering leader. She is the founder of Write/Speak/Code and the Director of Client Apps at GitHub. Rebecca has been developing software professionally for almost 20 years, previously organized GORUCO, and was the founding teacher at Dev Bootcamp NYC. Rebecca's hobbies include reading romance novels, writing, playing guitar, being quasi-successful at having plants, cuddling pugs, & wearing all the colors. And she changes her hair A LOT.
- Job Numbers on CBS (2018):
- Equal Pay on CBS (2016):
- Interviewed for Geek Girl Rising & quote in Glamour:
- Interviews 2015 & before: