With the following guide, you are able to install a DC/OS cluster on Azure. You need the tools Terraform and Ansible installed. On MacOS, you can use brew for that.
$ brew install terraform
$ brew install ansible
$ make azure
Set the private key that you will be you will be using to your ssh-agent and set public key in terraform.
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/your_private_azure_key.pem
Add your Azure ssh key to .deploy/desired_cluster_profile
Follow the Terraform instructions here to setup your Azure credentials to provide to terraform.
When you've successfully retrieved your output of az account list
, create a source file to easily run your credentials in the future.
$ cat ~/.azure/credentials
export ARM_TENANT_ID=45ef06c1-a57b-40d5-967f-88cf8example
export ARM_CLIENT_SECRET=Lqw0kyzWXyEjfha9hfhs8dhasjpJUIGQhNFExAmPLE
export ARM_CLIENT_ID=80f99c3a-cd7d-4931-9405-8b614example
export ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=846d9e22-a320-488c-92d5-41112example
Set your environment variables by sourcing the files before you run any terraform commands.
$ source ~/.azure/credentials
The setup variables for Terraform are defined in the file .deploy/desired_cluster_profile
. You can make a change to the file and it will persist when you do other commands to your cluster in the future.
For example, you can see the default configuration of your cluster:
$ cat .deploy/desired_cluster_profile
os = "centos_7.3"
state = "none"
num_of_masters = "1"
num_of_private_agents = "3"
num_of_public_agents = "1"
azure_region = "East US 2"
azure_bootstrap_instance_type = "Standard_DS1_v2"
azure_master_instance_type = "Standard_D4_v2"
azure_agent_instance_type = "Standard_D4_v2"
azure_public_agent_instance_type = "Standard_D4_v2"
# Inbound Master Access
admin_cidr = ""
You can plan the profile with Terraform while referencing:
$ make plan
If you are happy with the changes, the you can apply the profile with Terraform while referencing:
$ make launch-infra
Once the components are created, we can run the Ansible script to install DC/OS on the instances.
The setup variables for DC/OS are defined in the file group_vars/all/vars
. Copy the example files, by running:
$ cp group_vars/all.example group_vars/all
The now created file group_vars/all
is for configuring DC/OS and common variables. The variables are explained within the files.
Optionally you can change the exhibitor backend to azure
. So the master discovery is done by using Azure shared storage. For that you have to fill in the Azure Storage Account Name and secret key:
# Optional if dcos_iaas_target := azure
dcos_exhibitor: 'azure'
dcos_exhibitor_azure_account_name: 'name'
dcos_exhibitor_azure_account_key: '******'
Ansible also needs to know how to find the instances that got created via Terraform. For that we run a dynamic inventory script called ./inventory.py
. To use it specify the script with the parameter -i
. In example, check that all instances are reachable via Ansible:
$ ansible all -i inventory.py -m ping
Finally, you can install DC/OS by running:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.py plays/install.yml
If the installation was successful. You should be able to reach the Master load balancer. You can find the URL of the Master LB with the following command:
$ make ui
The terraform script also created a load balancer for the public agents:
$ make public-lb
To delete the Azure stack run the command:
$ make destroy