This is a document for keeping track of every translation key and value change. The locale is en_us.
Note: Changes to en_us.json before Create Big Cannons 0.5.3.b => 0.5.4 will not be tracked. Please take note of them yourself.
+ "tag.createbigcannons.ingot_copper": "Copper Ingots"
+ "block.createbigcannons.cannon_mount_extension": "Cannon Mount Extension"
+ "block.createbigcannons.fixed_cannon_mount": "Fixed Cannon Mount"
+ "block.createbigcannons.propellant.tooltip.damp": "Damp"
+ "createbigcannons.fixed_cannon_mount.angle_pitch": "Pitch Adjustment"
+ "createbigcannons.fixed_cannon_mount.angle_yaw": "Yaw Adjustment"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/upside_down_cannon_mounts.header": "Placing Cannon Mounts upside down"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/upside_down_cannon_mounts.text_1": "Cannon Mounts can be rotated to face downwards by clicking their sides with a wrench."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/upside_down_cannon_mounts.text_2": "Cannon Mounts can also be placed upside-down on the bottom of blocks."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_extensions.header": "Using Cannon Mount Extensions"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_extensions.text_1": "Cannon Mount Extensions provide extra interface areas for blocks."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_extensions.text_2": "They extend the mount they point into, as indicated by the arrow on their sides."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.header": "Using Fixed Cannon Mounts"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.text_1": "Fixed Cannon Mounts can be used for aiming cannons at the same spot."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.text_2": "They do not use kinetic input and must be manually set using the side interfaces."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.text_3": "Interfacing with a Fixed Cannon Mount is similar to a regular Cannon Mount, with the same control faces."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.text_4": "Cannon assembly"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.text_5": "Fire cannon"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.text_6": "The Fixed Cannon Mount cannot be extended."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_mount/using_fixed_cannon_mounts.text_7": "Use a wrench to rotate the Fixed Cannon Mount."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/wet_ammo_storage.header": "Protecting Munitions with Waterlogging, and its Side Effects"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/wet_ammo_storage.text_1": "Propellant blocks, as well as projectiles, are vulnerable to exploding from fire and other explosions."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/wet_ammo_storage.text_2": "Munition blocks can be protected from fire and explosions by waterlogging them."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/wet_ammo_storage.text_3": "However, waterlogging causes propellant blocks to become damp."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/wet_ammo_storage.text_4": "Damp propellant is weaker and also fails to ignite if it is placed as the first propellant block in a big cannon."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/wet_ammo_storage.text_5": "To fix this, damp propellant must be left to dry, and cannot be dried in a furnace like wet sponges."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/wet_ammo_storage.text_6": "However, propellant placed in hot places like the Nether will instantly dry, similar to wet sponges."
+ "entity.createbigcannons.primed_propellant": "Primed Propellant"
+ "item.createbigcannons.wired_fuze": "Wired Fuze"
+ "item.createbigcannons.wired_fuze.tooltip": "WIRED FUZE"
+ "item.createbigcannons.wired_fuze.tooltip.behaviour1": "The fuze detonates when powered by redstone."
+ "item.createbigcannons.wired_fuze.tooltip.condition1": "Detonation"
+ "item.createbigcannons.wired_fuze.tooltip.summary": "Detonates when the fuzed shell block is _powered by redstone._ Can be used for _improvised explosives._ _Does not explode in flight._"
Content Changes:
: "Power the Cannon Mount to aim the cannon up and down."
→ "Power the Cannon Mount to aim the cannon up and down..."
: "A Yaw Controller is needed to aim the cannon left and right."
→ "...or side to side."
: "The Yaw Controller does not accept input."
→ "Spent ammunition is ejected from the breech."
Content Changes:
: "A cannon must have one and only one opening and one and only one closed end"
→ "Cannon must have exactly one opening and exactly one closed end"
: "Right-click the projectile head with an empty hand to remove any fuzes present."
→ "Right-click the projectile head with an empty hand to remove any fuzes present. Some shells are fuzed on the base instead."
Content Changes:
: "A cannon's material has two main factors that can cause the cannon to fail; its main factor and its strength."
→ "A cannon's material has two main factors that can cause the cannon to fail; its minimum projectile velocity per barrel and its strength."
+ "exception.createbigcannons.cannon_mount.incorrectBreechDirection": "Cannon block at [%s, %s, %s] should be reversed"
+ "block.createbigcannons.smoke_shell.tooltip": "SMOKE SHELL"
+ "block.createbigcannons.smoke_shell.tooltip.behaviour1": "Releases a _temporary smoke cloud_."
+ "block.createbigcannons.smoke_shell.tooltip.condition1": "On Detonation"
+ "block.createbigcannons.smoke_shell.tooltip.summary": "Covers the battlefield with a _smoke cloud_ that obscures vision."
+ "item.createbigcannons.delayed_impact_fuze.tooltip.durability": "Durability"
+ "item.createbigcannons.delayed_impact_fuze.tooltip.durability.value": "This fuze can break through _%s_ blocks before breaking."
+ "item.createbigcannons.impact_fuze.tooltip.durability": "Durability"
+ "item.createbigcannons.impact_fuze.tooltip.durability.value": "This fuze can break through _%s_ blocks before breaking."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/adding_tracers.header": "Adding tracers to big cannon projectiles"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/adding_tracers.text_1": "In addition to autocannon munitions, tracers can also be added to big cannon projectiles."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/adding_tracers.text_2": "Unlike fuzing, tracer tips can be applied to any side of the projectile block."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/adding_tracers.text_3": "Right-click the projectile with an empty hand to remove any tracers present."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.munitions/adding_tracers.text_4": "As with fuzing, tracer application can be automated with Deployers."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_crafting/finishing_built_up_cannons.text_4": "It takes a while for the cannon layers to transform into cannon blocks."
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.fire_drop_mortar": "Drop mortar fires"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.fire_machine_gun": "Machine gun fires"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.flak_round_explosion": "Flak round explodes"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.shrapnel_shell_explosion": "Shrapnel shell explodes"
+ "death.attack.createbigcannons.flak": "%s was downed by flak"
+ "entity.createbigcannons.flak_burst": "Flak Burst"
+ "entity.createbigcannons.fluid_blob_burst": "Fluid Blob Burst"
+ "entity.createbigcannons.grapeshot_burst": "Grapeshot Burst"
+ "entity.createbigcannons.shrapnel_burst": "Shrapnel Burst"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.fluid_shell_explosion": "Fluid shell explodes"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.smoke_shell_detonate": "Smoke shell bursts"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.mortar_stone_explode": "Mortar stone explodes"
+ "item.createbigcannons.gunpowder_pinch": "Pinch of Gunpowder"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.gunpowder_pinch": "Pinches of Gunpowder"
+ "item.createbigcannons.guncotton": "Guncotton"
+ "item.createbigcannons.packed_guncotton": "Packed Guncotton"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.can_be_nitrated": "Can be Nitrated"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.gelatinizers": "Gelatinizers"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.guncotton": "Guncotton"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.high_explosive_materials": "High Explosive Materials"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.nitro_acidifiers": "Nitro Acidifiers"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.hot_projectile_splash": "Projectile splashes"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.projectile_splash": "Projectile splashes"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.projectile_impact": "Projectile impacts"
+ "debug.createbigcannons.block_armor_info": "Block Armor Info:"
+ "debug.createbigcannons.block_hardness": "Block Hardness: "
+ "debug.createbigcannons.block_toughness": "Block Toughness: "
+ "item.createbigcannons.block_armor_inspection_tool": "Block Armor Inspection Tool"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.shell_flying": "Incoming artillery shell"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.autocannon_round_flyby": "Autocannon round flies by"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.machine_gun_round_flyby": "Machine gun round flies by"
+ "createbigcannons.subtitle.shell_explosion": "Artillery shell explodes"
+ "entity.createbigcannons.gas_cloud": "Gas Cloud"
+ "item.createbigcannons.gas_mask": "Gas Mask"
+ "item.createbigcannons.gas_mask.tooltip": "GAS MASK"
+ "item.createbigcannons.gas_mask.tooltip.summary": "_Protects against gas clouds_ when worn on the head. _Does not protect_ against _lingering potions_, _dragon's breath_, or _potion fluid blobs_."
+ "tag.createbigcannons.gas_masks": "Gas Masks"
Key Changes:
→ "item.createbigcannons.delayed_impact_fuze.tooltip.shell_info.chance"
→ "item.createbigcannons.impact_fuze.tooltip.shell_info.chance"
Content Changes:
: "Note"
→ Note on Fluid Behavior"
: "How to manufacture big cannons"
→ "How to manufacture cannons of different sizes and calibers"
: "Blocks that make up cannon loads, and what they can do"
→ "Blocks and items used by cannons, and what they can do"
: "How to use big cannons safely and effectively"
→ "How to use cannons safely and effectively"
: "Detonates a _short time_ after _hitting_ something. Due to its _simple trigger mechanism_, it does not always trigger the timer."
→ "Detonates a _short time_ after _hitting_ something. Due to its _simple trigger mechanism_, it does not always trigger the timer. This must be mounted on the _front_ of a shell; it will not work as a _base fuze._"
: "Detonates when the projectile _hits something_. Due to its _simplicity_, it does not always detonate on impact."
→ "Detonates when the projectile _hits something_. Due to its _simplicity_, it does not always detonate on impact. This must be mounted on the _front_ of a shell; it will not work as a _base fuze._",
: "Detonates when it _gets close_ to a block."
→ "Detonates when it _gets close_ to a block. This must be mounted on the _front_ of a shell; it will not work as a _base fuze._"
: "It takes a while for the cannon layers to transform into cannon blocks."
→ "A built-up cannon block must have all the correct layers to be transformed."
− "entity.createbigcannons.fluid_blob"
− "entity.createbigcannons.grapeshot"
− "entity.createbigcannons.shrapnel"
− "debug.createbigcannons.block_resistance"
− "item.createbigcannons.resistance_inspection_tool"
+ "block.createbigcannons.autocannon_ammo_container.tooltip.main_ammo": "x%1$s %2$s"
+ "block.createbigcannons.autocannon_ammo_container.tooltip.tracers": "Tracers: x%1$s %2$s"
+ "block.createbigcannons.autocannon_ammo_container.tooltip.tracers": "Tracer Spacing: 1 tracer every %s round(s)"
+ "tag.c.bronze_nuggets": "Bronze Nuggets"
+ "tag.c.cast_iron_ingots": "Cast Iron Ingots"
+ "tag.c.cast_iron_nuggets": "Cast Iron Nuggets"
+ "tag.c.ingots.cast_iron": "Cast Iron Ingots (Forge Format)"
+ "tag.c.nuggets.bronze": "Bronze Nuggets (Forge Format)"
+ "tag.c.nuggets.cast_iron": "Cast Iron Nuggets (Forge Format)"
+ "tag.c.nuggets.steel": "Steel Nuggets (Forge Format)"
+ "tag.c.steel_nuggets": "Steel Nuggets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.autocannon_ammo_containers": "Autocannon Ammo Containers"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.autocannon_cartridges": "Autocannon Cartridges"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.autocannon_rounds": "Autocannon Rounds"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.big_cannon_cartridges": "Big Cannon Cartridges"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.big_cannon_projectiles": "Big Cannon Projectiles"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.big_cannon_propellant": "Big Cannon Propellant"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.big_cannon_propellant_bags": "Big Cannon Propellant Bags"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.block_bronze": "Bronze Blocks"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.block_cast_iron": "Cast Iron Blocks"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.block_steel": "Steel Blocks"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.dust_glowstone": "Glowstone Dusts"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.dusts_redstone": "Redstone Dusts"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.fuzes": "Fuzes"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.gems_quartz": "Quartz Gems"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.gunpowder": "Gunpowder"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.impact_fuze_head": "Impact Fuze Head Components"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.inexpensive_big_cartridge_sheet": "Inexpensive Big Cartridge Sheets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.ingot_brass": "Brass Ingots"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.ingot_bronze": "Bronze Ingots"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.ingot_cast_iron": "Cast Iron Ingots"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.ingot_iron": "Iron Ingots"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.ingot_steel": "Steel Ingots"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.nitropowder": "Nitropowder"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.nugget_bronze": "Bronze Nuggets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.nugget_cast_iron": "Cast Iron Nuggets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.nugget_copper": "Copper Nuggets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.nugget_iron": "Iron Nuggets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.nugget_steel": "Steel Nuggets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.sheet_brass": "Brass Sheets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.sheet_copper": "Copper Sheets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.sheet_iron": "Iron Sheets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.sheet_steel": "Steel Sheets"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.spent_autocannon_casings": "Spent Autocannon Casings"
+ "tag.createbigcannons.stone": "Stone"
+ "emi.category.createbigcannons.built_up_heating": "Cannon Building"
+ "emi.category.createbigcannons.cannon_casting": "Cannon Casting"
+ "emi.category.createbigcannons.drill_boring": "Drill Boring"
+ "emi.category.createbigcannons.incomplete_cannon_blocks": "Incomplete Cannon Blocks"
+ "emi.category.createbigcannons.melting": "Basin Melting"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_kinetics/automating_quick_firing_breeches.text_3": "The Quick-Firing Breech must be closed in order for the arm to operate."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_kinetics/automating_quick_firing_breeches.text_4": "The arm will not load the big cannon if the breech is open."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_kinetics/automating_quick_firing_breeches.text_5": "Once the cannon fires, the arm will automatically extract empty cartridges when provided a deposit area."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_kinetics/automating_quick_firing_breeches.text_6": "Deposit areas should have an empty Big Cartridge filter to avoid item mismanagement."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_loader/base_contraption_loading.header": "Loading Big Cannons with base Create contraptions"
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_loader/base_contraption_loading.text_1": "Mechanical Pistons, Gantries, and Rope Pulleys can also load big cannons."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_loader/base_contraption_loading.text_2": "Munition blocks can be pulled out of big cannons depending on the connectivity of certain blocks."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_loader/base_contraption_loading.text_3": "Unlike the Cannon Loader, other blocks can still be attached to the contraption."
+ "createbigcannons.ponder.cannon_loader/base_contraption_loading.text_4": "This does not affect cannon loading in any way, although only aligned munition blocks can be inserted into big cannons."
+ "block.createbigcannons.cannon_carriage.hotbar.fireRate.createbigcannons.cannon_carriage": "Rate of fire: %s RPM (scroll to change)"
+ "block.createbigcannons.cannon_carriage.hotbar.fireRate.createbigcannons.cannon_mount": "Rate of fire: %s RPM (set signal strength on firing side to change)"
+ "createbigcannons.goggles.cannon_mount.autocannon_rate_of_fire": "Autocannon Rate of Fire: "
+ "createbigcannons.goggles.cannon_mount.autocannon_rate_of_fire.value": "%s RPM"
Key Changes:
→ "block.createbigcannons.autocannon_ammo_container"