Bálint, Sass – Tamás, Váradi – Júlia, Pajzs – Margit, Kiss: Hungarian Verbal Structures – Dictionary of the most frequent Arguments and Collocations (the original data: Sass Bálint, Váradi Tamás, Pajzs Júlia, Kiss Margit: Magyar igei szerkezetek – A leggyakoribb vonzatok és szókapcsolatok szótára)
The dictionary was written at the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It contains 6200 argument frames of 2200 verbs. We can observe easily that even our simplest sentences consist usually of a verb and its arguments. Thus, a dictionary like this can be used for several purposes, as it covers one of the most essential parts of the Hungarian language.
The whole dictionary is not open-source as a database.
The rightsholder of the dictionary is Tinta Könyvkiadó.
The printed version (hardback) can be bought here. It is freely accessible in digital form in the Digitális tankönyvtár. It can be downloaded and used for research, education and private projects.
If you are planning to use it, please refer to at least one of these articles:
Sass, Bálint. A Unified Method for Extracting Simple and Multiword Verbs with Valence Information. In: Angelova G. et al. (eds.): Proceedings of RANLP 2009, Borovec, Bulgária, 2009, p. 399–403.
@inproceedings{sass2009unified, title = {A Unified Method for Extracting Simple and Multiword Verbs with Valence Information and Application for Hungarian.}, author = {Sass, B{\'a}lint}, editor = {Angelova, Galia and Bontcheva, Kalina and Mitkov, Ruslan and Nicolov, Nicolas and Nikolov, Nikolai}, booktitle = {{R}ecent {A}dvances in {N}atural {L}anguage {P}rocessing {RANLP}}, publisher = {{RANLP} 2009 Organising Committee / {ACL}}, pages = {399--403}, year = {2009}, address = {Borovets, Bulgaria}, month = {September} }
Sass Bálint, Váradi Tamás, Pajzs Júlia, Kiss Margit. Magyar igei szerkezetek – A leggyakoribb vonzatok és szókapcsolatok szótára. Tinta (2010).
@book{sass2010magyar, title = {Magyar igei szerkezetek -- A leggyakoribb vonzatok {\'e}s sz{\'o}kapcsolatok sz{\'o}t{\'a}ra.}, author = {Sass, B{\'a}lint and V{\'a}radi, Tam{\'a}s and Pajzs, J{\'u}lia and Kiss, Margit}, publisher = {Tinta Könyvkiadó}, year = {2010}, address = {Budapest} }
Sass Bálint. Igei szerkezetek gyakorisági szótára – Egy automatikus lexikai kinyerő eljárás és alkalmazása. Ph.D. dolgozat, PPKE ITK, 2011.
@phdthesis{sass2011igei, title = {Igei szerkezetek gyakoris{\'a}gi sz{\'o}t{\'a}ra -- Egy automatikus lexikai kinyer{\H{o}} elj{\'a}r{\'a}s {\'e}s alkalmaz{\'a}sa}, author = {Sass, B{\'a}lint}, year = {2011}, school = {P{\'a}zm{\'a}ny P{\'e}ter Katolikus Egyetem ITK} }