Payments and Checkouts made dead simple with Sveltekit.
pnpm install @polar-sh/sveltekit zod
Create a Checkout handler which takes care of redirections.
// /api/checkout/+server.ts
import { Checkout } from "@polar-sh/sveltekit";
export const GET = Checkout({
accessToken: process.env.POLAR_ACCESS_TOKEN,
successUrl: process.env.SUCCESS_URL,
server: "sandbox", // Use sandbox if you're testing Polar - omit the parameter or pass 'production' otherwise
Pass query params to this route.
- productId (or productPriceId)
- productPriceId (or productId)
- customerId (optional)
- customerEmail (optional)
?productId=xxx&[email protected]
- customerName (optional)
- metadata (optional)
URL-Encoded JSON string
Create a customer portal where your customer can view orders and subscriptions.
// /api/portal/+server.ts
import { CustomerPortal } from "@polar-sh/sveltekit";
export const GET = CustomerPortal({
accessToken: process.env.POLAR_ACCESS_TOKEN,
getCustomerId: (event) => "", // Fuction to resolve a Polar Customer ID
server: "sandbox", // Use sandbox if you're testing Polar - omit the parameter or pass 'production' otherwise
A simple utility which resolves incoming webhook payloads by signing the webhook secret properly.
// api/webhook/polar/route.ts
import { Webhooks } from "@polar-sh/sveltekit";
export const POST = Webhooks({
webhookSecret: process.env.POLAR_WEBHOOK_SECRET!,
onPayload: async (payload) => {
// Handle the payload
// No need to return an acknowledge response
The Webhook handler also supports granular handlers for easy integration.
- onCheckoutCreated: (payload) =>
- onCheckoutUpdated: (payload) =>
- onOrderCreated: (payload) =>
- onSubscriptionCreated: (payload) =>
- onSubscriptionUpdated: (payload) =>
- onSubscriptionActive: (payload) =>
- onSubscriptionCanceled: (payload) =>
- onSubscriptionRevoked: (payload) =>
- onProductCreated: (payload) =>
- onProductUpdated: (payload) =>
- onOrganizationUpdated: (payload) =>
- onBenefitCreated: (payload) =>
- onBenefitUpdated: (payload) =>
- onBenefitGrantCreated: (payload) =>
- onBenefitGrantUpdated: (payload) =>
- onBenefitGrantRevoked: (payload) =>