This is a work log for keeping rough track of how much time I've spend on the demarc project and when.
2012-05-23: 3 hours: Mostly on planes to produce diss2inst.xsl. Dimitre Novatchev's how-to on the Kayessian method of node-set intersection in XPath was exactly what I needed to grab all the nodes between two milestone elements so that I could separately treat each instance in its own container.
2012-05-22: 3 hours: I already had the ODT and PDF files. Creating the repository at github, committing them, creating and committing the README, TODO, LICENSE, and this file; trying and inspecting the HTML export via LibreOffice from elliottDiss.odt; opening elliottDiss.odt in Oxygen and exporting contents.xml as elliottDiss.xml and inspecting same with regard to cross references.