This folder contains applications that have been integrated with DRAGON. We also include the other versions we used to compare with the DRAGON-integrated version. Please refer to our SC18 paper DRAGON: Breaking GPU Memory Capacity Limits with Direct NVM Access for more details.
The directory structure of each application is as follows:
programs contains the source code of that application.
cudamemcpy corresponds to the Default version. This version is similar to the original version but the application reads and writes data to/from files in the memory-dump format instead.
hostreg corresponds to the Hostreg version. This version uses cudaHostRegister() along with mmap() to access data from files.
uvm corresponds to the UM-P version. This version uses POSIX-IO with NVIDIA's Unified Memory.
nvmgpu corresponds to the DRAGON version.
scripts contains essential scripts for reproducing our results we reported in the paper.
- Python2.7 or above
- matplotlib
- numpy
- scipy
- CUDA version 9.0 or above
- DRAGON library and driver
- gpufs
- For binomialOptions, BlackScholes, and vectorAdd, go to the scripts folder inside those application folder. Run the prepare-programs script. You need to specify the CUDA samples location. This script supports only the CUDA sample applications from CUDA version 9.0.
cd <application>/scripts
./prepare-programs /usr/local/cuda-9.0/samples
- For other applications
cd <application>/programs
make -j
This section provides steps for running an example application.
- Go to the scripts folder of the application you want to run.
cd <application>/scripts
- Generate data using the gendata script. An example command for generating input data files on /tmp folder is as shown below. When using the generated input files, the maximum memory footprint of the application is 64 GiB. You can explore all available options by calling ./gendata -h.
./gendata /tmp item 64G
- Run the application on the input data using the run script. An example to run all available versions of the application using the above generated input files is shown below. The output result is saved to the output.log file. You can explore all available options by calling ./run -h. Note that this command requires root privilege in order to automatically switching between the DRAGON driver and the original NVIDIA driver.
sudo su
./run --repeat 1 output.log
This section gives you steps for running all example applications, collecting and converting results, and generating the graphs.
- Prepare your node. Make sure that your host memory capacity is slightly above 64 GiB and the swap space is disabled. We recommend you to set the host memory capacity to around 80 GiB in order to leave room for other processes (daemon, ssh, etc.). The following websites provide guideline on how to do them in software.
Make sure that your NVMe device is formatted with ext4 and the device's free space is more than 512 GiB.
Run all experiments. We provide a script to automatically do it for you. This step may take several hours to a day. You may want to run execute it using screen. Also, this script needs the root privilege to run.
sudo su
cd <dragon-root>/scripts
cd <dragon-root>/examples
./run <location-on-your-nvme>
- Extract the results. You need to do this step for all applications
cd <dragon-root>/examples/<application>/results
python ../../analyzers/ results.out cudamemcpy >
python ../../analyzers/ results.out hostreg >
python ../../analyzers/ results.out uvm >
python ../../analyzers/ results.out nvmgpu >
- Additional steps for hotspot and vectorAdd
cd <dragon-root>/examples/<application>/results
python ../../analyzers/ result-nvmgpu-rh-disable.out nvmgpu >
- Generate graphs from the results.
cd <dragon-root>/examples/analyzers
python # Figure 3
python # Figure 5
This section provides steps for reproducing the results shown in the case study section. The experiment mainly uses our customized Caffe that comes with this repository: /examples/caffe.
- Compile Caffe. Please follow the official instruction. Some important points regarding this compilation step:
- Use the code provided in /examples/caffe
- Build using cmake in a new folder /examples/caffe/build
- Compile with ATLAS
Convert the datasets to memory-dump format. If your NVMe capacity is small, you may want to convert only one dataset at a time and convert the other one after you finish the corresponding experiment.
cd <dragon-root>/examples/caffe/scripts
./gendata c3d <path-to-ucf101> <folder-on-nvme-for-converted-ucf101-data>
./gendata resnet <path-to-ilsvrc12> <folder-on-nvme-for-converted-ilsvrc12-data>
- Run the C3D and Resnet experiments. The automated script need root privilege. One experiment may take several hours.
cd <dragon-root>/examples/caffe/scripts
mkdir -p ../results/c3d
mkdir -p ../results/resnet
sudo su
./run --log run-c3d.log c3d <path-to-converted-ucf101-data> ../results/c3d
./run --log run-resnet.log resnet <path-to-converted-ilsvrc12-data> ../results/resnet
mv ../results/c3d/ ../results/c3d/
mv ../results/resnet/ ../results/resnet/
Recompile Caffe with OpenBLAS OpenMP. Please follow the official instruction. On CentOS7, you need to install
sudo yum install openblas-openmp64.x86_64
. -
Rerun the experiments with OpenBLAS. This step need root privilege.
cd <dragon-root>/examples/caffe/scripts
sudo su
./run --log run-c3d.log --prog cpu c3d <path-to-converted-ucf101-data> ../results/c3d
./run --log run-resnet.log --prog cpu resnet <path-to-converted-ilsvrc12-data> ../results/resnet
mv ../results/c3d/ ../results/c3d/
mv ../results/resnet/ ../results/resnet/
mv ../results/c3d/ ../results/c3d/
mv ../results/resnet/ ../results/resnet/
- Generate Figure 7.
cd <dragon-root>/examples/caffe/analyzers
python # Figure 7