diff --git a/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model.rb b/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model.rb
index 5383b85e9..49e5b4dd8 100644
--- a/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model.rb
+++ b/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ class InteractionViewModel
include Pact::ActiveSupportSupport
def initialize interaction, consumer_contract
@interaction = interaction
@consumer_contract = consumer_contract
@@ -52,6 +54,16 @@ def provider_state start_of_sentence = false
markdown_escape apply_capitals(@interaction.provider_state.strip, start_of_sentence)
+ def formatted_provider_states mark_bold: false
+ bold_marker = mark_bold ? MARKDOWN_BOLD_CHARACTERS : ''
+ (@interaction.provider_states || []).map do |ps|
+ "#{bold_marker}" \
+ "#{markdown_escape(apply_capitals(ps.name.strip, false))}" \
+ "#{bold_marker}"
+ end.join(' and ')
+ end
def description start_of_sentence = false
return '' unless @interaction.description
markdown_escape apply_capitals(@interaction.description.strip, start_of_sentence)
diff --git a/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction.erb b/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction.erb
index ae2877a93..8aefd0cc5 100644
--- a/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction.erb
+++ b/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction.erb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-<%= if interaction.has_provider_state?
- "Given **#{h(interaction.provider_state)}**, upon receiving"
+<% formatted_provider_states = h(interaction.formatted_provider_states mark_bold: true) %>
+<%= if !formatted_provider_states.empty?
+ "Given #{formatted_provider_states}, upon receiving"
"Upon receiving"
diff --git a/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction_renderer.rb b/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction_renderer.rb
index e721ba70a..cd66f4915 100644
--- a/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction_renderer.rb
+++ b/lib/pact/doc/markdown/interaction_renderer.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ def initialize interaction, pact
def render_summary
- suffix = interaction.has_provider_state? ? " given #{h(interaction.provider_state)}" : ""
+ formatted_provider_states = h(interaction.formatted_provider_states)
+ suffix = formatted_provider_states.empty? ? "" : " given #{formatted_provider_states}"
"* [#{h(interaction.description(true))}](##{interaction.id})#{suffix}\n\n"
diff --git a/spec/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model_spec.rb b/spec/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model_spec.rb
index 2cf3387b0..66438d2e3 100644
--- a/spec/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/pact/doc/interaction_view_model_spec.rb
@@ -181,6 +181,52 @@ module Doc
+ describe "formatted_provider_states" do
+ let(:consumer_contract) { Pact::ConsumerContract.from_uri './spec/support/markdown_pact.json' }
+ let(:interaction) { consumer_contract.interactions.first }
+ context "when no provider state" do
+ let(:interaction) { consumer_contract.interactions.last }
+ it "returns an empty string" do
+ expect(subject.formatted_provider_states).to eq ""
+ end
+ end
+ context "when marking provider states in bold" do
+ it "formats the provider state in bold" do
+ expect(subject.formatted_provider_states mark_bold: true).to eq "**alligators exist**"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when not marking provider states in bold" do
+ it "formats the provider state without bold" do
+ expect(subject.formatted_provider_states).to eq "alligators exist"
+ end
+ end
+ context "when using v3 specification" do
+ let(:consumer_contract) { Pact::ConsumerContract.from_uri './spec/support/markdown_pact_v3.json' }
+ let(:interaction) { consumer_contract.interactions.first }
+ context "when marking provider states in bold" do
+ it "formats the provider states in bold" do
+ expected_result = '**alligators exist** and **the city of Tel Aviv has a zoo** ' \
+ 'and **the zoo keeps record of its alligator population**'
+ expect(subject.formatted_provider_states mark_bold: true).to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ context "when not marking provider states in bold" do
+ it "formats the provider states without bold" do
+ expected_result = 'alligators exist and the city of Tel Aviv has a zoo ' \
+ 'and the zoo keeps record of its alligator population'
+ expect(subject.formatted_provider_states).to eq expected_result
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/lib/pact/doc/markdown/consumer_contract_renderer_spec.rb b/spec/lib/pact/doc/markdown/consumer_contract_renderer_spec.rb
index 00d930b33..a77d4c694 100644
--- a/spec/lib/pact/doc/markdown/consumer_contract_renderer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/pact/doc/markdown/consumer_contract_renderer_spec.rb
@@ -12,6 +12,17 @@ module Markdown
subject { ConsumerContractRenderer.new(consumer_contract) }
describe "#call" do
+ context "when using V3 specification" do
+ context "when an interaction has multiple provider states" do
+ let(:consumer_contract) { Pact::ConsumerContract.from_uri './spec/support/markdown_pact_v3.json' }
+ it "displays all provider states in the interaction title" do
+ expect(subject.call).to include 'Given **alligators exist** and **the city of Tel Aviv has a zoo** ' \
+ 'and **the zoo keeps record of its alligator population**, upon receiving'
+ end
+ end
+ end
context "with markdown characters in the pacticipant names" do
let(:consumer_contract) { Pact::ConsumerContract.from_uri './spec/support/markdown_pact_with_markdown_chars_in_names.json' }
diff --git a/spec/support/markdown_pact_v3.json b/spec/support/markdown_pact_v3.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c28c6243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/markdown_pact_v3.json
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ "provider": {
+ "name": "Some Provider"
+ },
+ "consumer": {
+ "name": "Some Consumer"
+ },
+ "interactions": [
+ {
+ "description": "a request to list all alligators in Tel Aviv",
+ "providerStates": [
+ {"name": "alligators exist", "params" : {}},
+ {"name": "the city of Tel Aviv has a zoo", "params" : {}},
+ {"name": "the zoo keeps record of its alligator population", "params" : {}}
+ ],
+ "params": {},
+ "request": {
+ "method": "get",
+ "path": "/alligators"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "headers" : {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
+ "status" : 200,
+ "body" : {
+ "alligators": [{
+ "name": "Bob",
+ "phoneNumber" : {
+ "json_class": "Pact::Term",
+ "data": {
+ "generate": "12345678",
+ "matcher": {"json_class":"Regexp","o":0,"s":"\\d+"}
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "pactSpecification": {
+ "version": "3.0.0"
+ }
+ }