All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.22.0 (2022-07-19)
- backend: add not equal (__ne) and not in (__notin) custom lookups (2bf9cb7)
- index: fix pagination reset issue (c7726d4)
1.21.3 (2022-05-12)
- links: hide links menu when there are no links (cb72d0e)
1.21.2 (2022-04-11)
- calendar: hide private events to superusers to preserve regular users' privacy (6898fc3)
- user-stories: fix url validator. It wasn't working after upgrading Vuelidate (5b952a2)
1.21.1 (2022-04-05)
- effort: fix role auto-fill in effort form (f850815)
- frontend: stop using chain function from lodash-es as it does not support tree shaking (dcae903)
1.21.0 (2022-04-04)
- notifications: add bulk actions for all notifications (mark as read/delete) (cc54a14)
- user-stories: add cvs fields (branch, issue & pull request) (cdb28e3)
- breakfasts: move summary button to the toolbar (03356f1)
- frontend: add extra margin to toolbar dividers (8d1e52a)
- frontend: reorder imports to avoid error with pinia in routes with guards (aca314c)
- index: hide "Quick Filters" label & divider if there are no filters (9aace0e)
- tasks: add 'all' option to itemsPerPageOptions (cf9c7a2)
1.20.0 (2022-02-14)
- user-stories: improve UserStoryResource adding new columns and using 'name' field as epic/sprint identifier (1b66a65)
- frontend: fix UserAutocomplete itemText (a65a109)
- user-stories: use text area field in task form (47d447b)
1.19.0 (2022-02-06)
- frontend: include acronym in UserAutocomplete search (84ccb49)
- scrum: merge planned effort & current effort columns in index views (e450c04)
- user-stories: add user stories bulk-update dialog (9b1744c)
- events: update calendar events that rely on user acronym when an user is updated (2dbe001)
1.18.1 (2022-01-30)
- backend: modify green working days migration to make it compatible with Oracle (b84a2a2)
- docker: add needed packages (d345aec)
1.18.0 (2022-01-27)
- green-working-days: make green working days users multiple (1f53888)
- scrum: add planned effort and current effort columns in Epic and Sprint views (d8a04ff)
- sprints: show actual effort in kanban cards (013df0e)
- user-stories: allow developer users to un-validate user stories (773d94a)
- user-stories: remove development user constraint when sprint is not present (7fc88ed)
- frontend: check ItemTable filters value after trigger watcher effect (df0fcdd)
- frontend: hide navigation drawer scrollbar (b33b16d)
- storybook: add routes to StoryRouter (540847f)
- user-stories: fix sprint date buttons in UserStoryForm (106f014)
1.17.0 (2021-12-01)
- frontend: use dynamic titles in views (1630750)
- holidays: new team holidays view in table format (2467572)
- backend: use current user in notification_sender property (d1ad770)
- docker: change node image and move crispy_forms installed app to development zone (fc293bc)
- effort: add constructorType to EffortUserTimelineChart (d782601)
- frontend: add card styles to ItemIndex and use permissions to avoid unnecessary components (63f2439)
- frontend: fix TableHeaderConfigDialog width (a3b9fab)
- frontend: use acronym instead of full name in UserAutocomplete (a3fd063)
- holidays: avoid fetching holidays on cancelled request (1051f99)
- sprints: kanban minor visual improvements (b4cc54b)
1.16.0 (2021-11-21)
- backend: add 'tags' column to django import-export resources after upgrading django-taggit (91cb5e2)
- sprints: improve kanban adding number of days from planned start date and max cards by column indicators (36c1ef2)
- sprints: fix kanban card width (e919b52)
- sprints: fix risk comments icon on sprint deployment report (3c328be)
1.15.0 (2021-11-07)
- add colour and icon to Tags (17a9291)
- scrum: relax date field validations on sprint and user-story (dd61002)
- sprints: add filters and progress to deployment report (b9db1a2)
- user-stories: add escape button to external resource field (b950607)
- user-stories: show authorship info on user-story detail (a0722b6)
- admin: add UUIDWidget to avoid errors in imports/exports (497a1fb)
- docker: remove temat user (c81bc3b)
- user-stories: include tags in user story copies (4be0a71)
- users: make get_random_admin method truly random (415eb51)
1.14.1 (2021-07-08)
- holidays: fix queryset.union Oracle issue (62553ef)
- notifications: add missing notification model (7a12408)
1.14.0 (2021-07-04)
- user-stories: add "all" filter to user-story index and apply it in indexes with context (2391891)
- effort: user arg missing in canPerformAction function (55d3bdf)
- frontend: fix quick filter save warning (73d80cd)
1.13.0 (2021-06-28)
- user-stories: add links to epics and sprints (6f0d8c1)
- frontend: add missing services after models refactor (d4f4d32)
1.12.1 (2021-06-27)
- routes: provide fallback route to router guards (f49f567)
- user-stories: hide action button when external resource is empty (d6bda21)
- user-stories: improve effort pie chart by adding a 10% error margin (10c3cd3)
- user-stories: update tab tables (task & effort) after changing the route (c00943f)
1.12.0 (2021-06-21)
- scrum: add external resource field to user stories (6840adb)
- calendar: fix event card v-menu width (a00f502)
- frontend: show snackbar on network error (bfc022a)
- frontend: use route path instead of route name as keep-alive key (44356b6)
- holidays: add holiday admins to holidays request notifications (f9ee27a)
1.11.0 (2021-06-13)
- use django permissions to allow/deny actions (460d028)
1.10.1 (2021-06-10)
- frontend: add css source maps to vue config (9dab499)
- frontend: change navbar user menu and links visibility in small screens (ddac69d)
- frontend: minor ui improvements (ff06f93)
- holidays: fix user holidays fetch after migrating to composition API (b0c0f76)
1.10.0 (2021-05-18)
- calendar: debounce event fetching function to avoid unnecessary calls (9aa9f59)
- frontend: fix multiline v-data-table headers (a65f67a)
- frontend: remove primary color from text buttons (abcca73)
- holidays: fetch used dates on holiday cancel (8d67379)
- scrum: allow scroll in kanban view when fullscreen mode is active (3cc2e42)
- sprints: fix sprint basic filters (47431e5)
- fix misc errors found during tests (e5f0e19)
1.9.3 (2021-04-11)
- user-stories: add warning message when user tries to change tab without saving (2c146b1)
1.9.2 (2021-03-23)
- user-stories: fix epic & sprint ordering (1a85ecd)
1.9.1 (2021-02-10)
- calendar: allow new lines in event details representation (098e30f)
- sprints: fix duplicated developers issue in deployment report (8d392d8)
- user-stories: fix issue with unsaved changes warning when validating a record (505632d)
1.9.0 (2021-02-07)
- sprints: add deployment report view (fa3c35b)
- user-stories: use mdi icon in user story priority field (a7853f0)
- backend: add missing user manager migration (aae10d1)
- frontend: fix spacing after vuetify internal changes (6b06578)
- frontend: move/hide outer form field icons (ff908b2)
- frontend: set keep-alive to false in sprint views (f107fd6)
- frontend: use pre-wrap to allow new lines in truncated text (b98d75c)
- notifications: improve notifications readability adding "" to the notification target (b8361db)
- notifications: mark notifications as read before navigate (f7a9bee)
- user-stories: fix issue with unsaved changes warning on new records (5feaa49)
- users: fix active/inactive user issues (f54e25d)
1.8.0 (2021-01-31)
- frontend: include confirmation before leaving an unsaved form (7377d60)
- backend: exclude inactive users (5eea7e6)
- devcontainer: fix typo in python language server setting (9e1dd9c)
- frontend: fix dark mode colours not working on app reload (b7b343f)
- sprints: add user story counter on sprint kanban (0d4d6a1)
1.7.0 (2021-01-24)
- frontend: add new lopera sentence (Lopera vs Cuervas) (ed0cf4d)
- notifications: add mark as read button in all notifications (b80e3e4)
- frontend: adapt clearable fields to new vuetify's behaviour (2c94ebf)
- frontend: fix potential issue with xmas hat and long version numbers (db5f3cd)
- frontend: replace v-card-title by v-toolbar to improve readability in dark mode (093b846)
1.6.2 (2020-12-03)
- login: hide 'next' warning when the url is from the spa (d0901cc)
- urls: remove fallback url to get 404 if an url does not exist (043e716)
1.6.1 (2020-11-23)
- scrum: fix lazy serializer imports after the reorganization (445eadb)
1.6.0 (2020-11-22)
- frontend: use $ as keep-alive key to prevent the app from caching unnecesary views (43d9621)
- permissions: replace is_staff by is_superuser to fit the real use case (c0d99d2)
- typo: fix typo in v-spacer tag in event card toolbar (697d3d8)
1.5.0 (2020-11-16)
1.4.0 (2020-11-15)
- epics: improve usability by adding a default filter (0673618)
- filters: add basic filters to advanced filters dialog (7832a67)
- frontend: add filters dropdown menu to the standard index component (c725f35)
- index: add quick filters to index component (59f1c05)
- filters: show tooltip on year selector filter (b77bdc9)
1.3.0 (2020-11-11)
- user-stories: add progress date & validated date filters (486fa78)
- user-stories: add style to status label in the index component (b29a399)
- user-stories: add navigation guard for 'new' route (c79af50)
1.2.1 (2020-10-24)
- frontend: fix form validation error messages with params (d1f85cb)
- frontend: replace chevron async autocomplete icon (83bbb3f)
- frontend: use help/default cursors on TruncatedText component (ad74010)
- notifications: remove useless "changes" notification when assigning users to user stories (58b493d)
1.2.0 (2020-10-18)
- sprints: add current date indicator and navigation to the gantt chart (96a862a)
- breakfasts: move main action (summary) to the fab button and add missing toolbar tooltip (8732f4d)
- charts: set loading state while retrieving chart data and alert users if the request fails (041429e)
- sprints: solve gantt chart shared tooltip issue (30a5e31)
1.1.0 (2020-10-13)
- sprints: add gantt chart (53ebd21)
- effort: remove text-decoration from user story links (1aa8eb6)
- user-stories: prevent sprint and date fields from being modified by non staff users (ac954fb)
1.0.1 (2020-10-04)
- epics: change index default ordering to asc (e9ec14a)
- frontend: avoid mutating options prop in table component (2f4a56e)
- readme: fix license link, which wasn't working (27f1d1e)
- release: downgrade frontend app version from 1.0.1 to 1.0.0 (9e011bc)
- release: include project npm files in version bumping config (efa5582)
- general: add support for Conventional Commits and standard-version