In the task we get public key and ciphertext. The description of the task states that someone decided to use a single prime as modulus for RSA encryption.
The difficulty of breaking RSA is based on the fact that the number of co-prime numbers to the modulus (so-called Euler's totient function) is secret.
For a prime number this value is known and is simply p-1
For product of two co-prime numbers it is (p-1)*(q-1)
, and here is the strength of RSA - in order to calculate this value we need to know prime factors of the modulus, and finding those is hard.
In our case this whole problem doesn't exist, since we know p
and therefore we know p-1
as well.
Therefore we can simply calculate the private key exponent as modinv(e,p-1)
and decrypt the ciphertext.
import codecs
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from crypto_commons.generic import bytes_to_long
from crypto_commons.rsa.rsa_commons import modinv, rsa_printable
def main():
with"public.pem", "r") as input_file:
pub =
pub = RSA.importKey(pub)
print(pub.e, pub.n)
with"flag.enc", 'r') as input_flag:
data ="base64")
d = modinv(pub.e, pub.n-1)
print(rsa_printable(bytes_to_long(data), d, pub.n))
And we get Flag{S1nGL3_PR1m3_M0duLUs_ATT4cK_TaK3d_D0wn_RSA_T0_A_Sym3tr1c_ALg0r1thm}