1.2.0 (2022-08-09)
- add scripts error (08efa45)
- avoid duplicate files generated by transforming (#104) (711ed8e)
- missing
options and vite server title (#102) (4a2a529)
1.1.1 (2022-04-12)
1.1.0 (2022-02-17)
- do not modify the version of @vue/compiler-sfc if it exists (97ce233)
- conversion of EntryFileName and ChunkFileName (#86) (d23a0ed)
- conversion of html generated by html-webpack-plugin (#88) (302c813)
- convert webpack entries (#85) (4f2ee52)
- make sure dependencies have been installed before conversion (#80) (df214e0)
1.0.6 (2022-01-11)
- bump user dependencies version (4cc9fef)
- friendly error message (812113e)
- friendly error message (6bd0158)
- further resolve webpackConfig (451ee13)
- match 'index.html' file path (#75) (1a46a3d)
- update error message (3b71ea1)
- bump vite & typescript version and migrate to vitest (#78) (5afee3c)
- print report sort by item.num (#77) (e51260d)
1.0.5 (2021-12-14)
- further resolve webpackConfig (fb30f98)
1.0.4 (2021-12-14)
1.0.3 (2021-12-14)
- friendly error message (aafe76e)
1.0.2 (2021-12-13)
1.0.1 (2021-10-22)
- remove patches that support to omit '.vue' suffix (b9bc529)
- undefined attributions of config.css (8858345)
- add vite preview script (90f9da9)
1.0.0 (2021-08-26)
- add ast parsing (0cf9836)
- add transformation record (6af8eb7)
- ast parser should skip node_modules (3852d3f)
- ast parsing skip dist (71bc5ac)
- build erroe (eda43e5)
- build error (2b283f2)
- change path match for astParse (d5b0c5d)
- change some words in report (4745360)
- change vue default version from '2' to 'undefined', because other project type like react did not need dependencies relate to vue (1df395f)
- clean for npm publish (d834816)
- cleanups for npm publish (3a65db3)
- compiler mode render fail (807a0ca)
- default enable JSX (94e91d2)
- default enable JSX (483a24f)
- duplicated @ (9d707db)
- eslint error (e103054)
- fix CI test failures (f817ab6)
- fix cpy-cli problems on windows (f9c117a)
- fix css option is covered when convert 'style-resources-loader' pluginOptions (b67cde6)
- fix css option is covered when convert 'style-resources-loader' pluginOptions (5eb38d3)
- fix css option is covered when convert 'style-resources-loader' pluginOptions (9d06d55)
- fix tests (a27b81d)
- fix transform webpack (d88e73f)
- fix vite config build undefined (3d54ccd)
- fix vite version to match patch (f8511a8)
- fix vue version start with ~ cause error (0c7b796)
- fix vueVersion (bc6deb5)
- fix yarn build error (53db070)
- format (986d369)
- format report (b41474c)
- generate: fix scripts error (5e01ce2)
- geneViteConfig: wrong parameter (f54a428)
- improve and perfect serve option (7f85f44)
- improve progress (2832bb9)
- improve the regular way of version matching (e41092c)
- incorrect injection in webpack project (a3caaad)
- join webpackConfig.context to entry path when convert webpack entry configuration (bfa7ee9)
- modify ast imports (d1211c4)
- modify regexp to match jsp (6a10f5d)
- Newline character causes compilation error (bf22692)
- normalized path (a66e6e5)
- npm publish cleanups (c0dea50)
- optimize genePackageJson (21e77a1)
- optimize getVueVersion (40276b3)
- optimize server options convert (9e845f0)
- optimize server options convert (bbe7a64)
- optimize test case 'processDependencies' (e577977)
- Optimize the experience of report (8b389ec)
- pathFormat function lead to test failed in Windows environment (0276536)
- prebuild failure in windows (b47d7c3)
- relative path cause alias uncorrect (c18e94e)
- remove @types/webpack-merge as it's not required (10eb425)
- remove duplicate conversions for relative path (b01e090)
- remove indents from 'body' tags (5c13caa)
- remove indents from 'body' tags (1102bbc)
- remove line breaks between import groups (855981c)
- remove patches that support to omit '.vue' suffix (#68) (fab25f0)
- remove postinstall (64dc95a)
- reslove unexpected token and CI failures (e54134c)
- resolve.alias change relative path to absolute path (3160f07)
- resolve.alias support relative path (4b0ee62)
- rootDir should replace \ for globby on windows (3759454)
- support webpack.DefinePlugin (f1e79c6)
- test coverage script (d3add44)
- test: reformat test cases (72adaf7)
- tests: fix tests (83d9494)
- tests: fix tests (a922e83)
- tests: fix tests (e894033)
- transform: add default alias (bffae35)
- transform: add default extensions (066f8bc)
- transform: optimize transform devServer (01b4d30)
- transform: resolve aliases with relative path (152c90e)
- transformWebpack error (344d6c0)
- typos (94768e1)
- typos (ff84171)
- update beta version to 12 (c27e0ca)
- update css loaderOptions (3734195)
- update readme (a53a134)
- update README (0a32ea4)
- update readme-zh (2fcdf41)
- update version of vue-sfc-ast-parser (02f9d16)
- update vite version and patch (3a199a3)
- use correct method determine if empty object (6defb0e)
- use relative path to read file (ccac38b)
- vite.config.ejs: import error (19e1488)
- webpack entry transform failed (53038bf)
- webpack.dev.js -> webpack.dev.conf.js (9690e76)
- webpack: diff vue version (c4b4058)
- add .eslintignore (7f12c49)
- add ast parser (e48fc6c)
- add AST parsers (beec2af)
- add ast require.context parser (9fb726f)
- add chalk (e777da0)
- add chalk (e4b000b)
- add cli progress ==> need be test!! (39af6ab)
- add default commonjs support (ed94190)
- add eslint & fix lint warnings (7dcd98a)
- add extensions filter for ast transformations (a8a7380)
- add extensions filter for ast transformations (8b68e74)
- add git hooks , verify commit (78dd939)
- add lazy loading routes transformation (acf8457)
- add needWriteToOriginFile in AST transformations (13959a5)
- add patches (5e53c0b)
- add prettier file (4501e70)
- add report (f18bde2)
- add report log file (4a576bd)
- add return type for ast parsing (5b61c8f)
- add show time of conversion (c27ddeb)
- cli: cli support webpack (054a823)
- convert default values in index.html (1a3ab20)
- convert vue-cli pages config (f22dd48)
- css preprocessors import support (1910399)
- generate index.html in different configurations (f638f7c)
- generate index.html in different configurations (45c851e)
- generate index.html support commander and multiple entries (7bcbbae)
- improve ast parser (17850c2)
- improve ast transformations (02cab7b)
- lang="html" should be removed from (03fffd1)
- modify format for generating 'vite.config.js' (a0eeea2)
- optimize ast 'require.context' parser (1e35633)
- optimize index.html transformation (97d39bb)
- parseWebpackConfig support multiple environments (4ca5e8c)
- pr#3534 patch auto apply after installing vite (9f6edaf)
- print error message if conversion failed (65c54f8)
- read rootDir/index.html instead while public/index.html not exists (4a3e3e2)
- read rootDir/index.html instead while public/index.html not exists (82b9ef4)
- readme translateion (cef5d9e)
- refactor ast parsers and transformations (14bf16f)
- refactor ast transformation of index.html (1253695)
- refactor the ast parse (220fed5)
- refactor vue sfc (a0e0a18)
- support index.html in public with ast parsing (0a17b01)
- support webpack.DefinePlugin (b0288b6)
- transformer: implements webpack transformer (2050e12)
- update readme-zh (de7cafa)
- update readme, add build status and npm status (abc6a08)
- webpack: support webpack (e7b8693)
- webpack: transformWebpack support devServer (0f82ad0)