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Tran Ong Kaia15
productive techie, focused mood on tech start-ups & investment funds.

oracle seattle, wa

jojo ultralightspeed
"Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it." – Alan Kay


🐍🦀 ursisterbtw
i like rust, python and cryptocurrency

Miami, FL

Sai Ruthvik hawkh

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Hyderabad

fullstack dev
JAE-HYEONG LEE jaealways
Data, Fintech

Seoul, Republic of KOREA

Enes Kirimi Vanguard90
Full stack Javascript / Typescript developer

Silicon Tiger Netherlands

Sumit Kumar sumitkrx
🚀 Software Developer | React | JavaScript | C++ | Go


🐒Girish🤖 Girishgh7
Aspiring data scientist with AI/ML obsession. Building open-source projects to share the knowledge & make it fun (no nap zone!). 🐒Girish🤖
Jack of all trades, master of none.
A. Church a-church

Virginia, United States


usa or japan

Bo Xuan tangboxuan

Google Singapore

Taylor Hodge jthodge
Bricoleur, Gardener

Los Angeles, CA

Jacob c4ff3in3
Coffee, Cloud and Data Tools.

Ann Arbor, MI

Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu

Pranjal Pokharel pranjalpokharel7

Pulchowk Campus, IOE Nepal

Harry Lonsdale harry-lons
UC San Diego Student. Interested in software engineering, computer vision, and mathematics
Tobi Adeyemi Jeezman
⚡ Proof of work


megalon megalon
Game Developer | Artist | Musician | Admin of the Beat Saber Modding Group Discord
Sanjay Narayana snjay
Software Engineer

Tyro Sydney, Australia