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Elvis Parsaloi Parsaloi
Application Engineer * FP apprentice

Africa, Earth

David.Gao DavidAlphaFox
Make Lisp great again.

Tongjiu Internet Technology Dalian,China

crazywoola crazywoola
Too much politics to contribute.


Delon R. Newman delonnewman
People, data, code. I love helping people leverage the power of data and software.

Self Northern Maine

Nícolas Dornelles nkatte
(Ex)Mestrando em Computação, formado em Sistemas de Informação e com proficiência em linguagens interpretadas, dinâmicas e de script (Python, PHP e JavaScript).
Erich Ocean erichocean

Xy Group Ltd North Carolina

Jules Amonith examosa
Programming is my love language.

@churchcommunitybuilder Lewisville, NC

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada