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Cyrus Forudi cyrus-f
Computer Science/Mathematics Student
Mohandeep Singh mathephysicist7
📚 Philomath 😮 Extremely curious ☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate ⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
Lunaphied Lunaphied
Low-level lesbian hardware hacker(s) and engineers(s). Building things for those we love~

Denver, CO

Qyriad Qyriad
Embedded software engineers. Maintainers for @lix-project.

Colorado, US

Andrés andres-osorio
Data Scientist & Co-Founder at @colmenai


Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Pablo Rodríguez-Sánchez PabRod
Physicist ⚛️ Mathematical modeller 🧮 Science communicator 📢

Netherlands eScience Center Amsterdam

Mohammed Tousif Zaman zamantousif
Interested in Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Games, Software and much more.

Sensible 4 Oy Finland

Stelios Petrakis stelabouras
📱 Mobile app developer 🕹 Aspiring gamedev 🌊 I love water shaders

Breakpoint Mobile Greece

Crllect crllect
I like computers and stuff. I dabble in 3D art and music too. are my opps, deliver mail to port 5502. DDoS me, I dare you

internet stuff


Harry Stoltz hstoltz
Studying math at the University of California, Riverside.
xzqbear xiong-ZH-zq

Nankai University China

Marcos Hernandez 6d61726b
CS student.

Argentina, Buenos Aires, Bahía Blanca

Corinne Powers powerscorinne

Gadget Capital Houston

Vishnu vvrs
Motion planning and Controls
Daniel Carrete SL0W-HAND
Front-end developer


Scott Walter ScottJWalter
Just another digital nomad roaming the information superhighway, looking for adventure and enlightenment.

Minneapolis, MN

Brigham Eaquinto BrighamEaquinto
Professional information organizer and guesser (aka, data scientist 😜) burdened with glorious purpose.

Idaho National Labratory Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, Western Hemisphere, Planet Earth, Milkyway Galaxy

Igors Dubanevics igorsdub
PhD student

OIST Japan

Sanjoy Nath Founder Of Automated Synthetic Geometrifying Trigonometry(C) SanjoyNath
Professional History and self up gradation profile: Thoroughly self learnt, continuously banging head everyday to learn something more.Implement knowledge in

Structure Online (SOL) New Delhi India

Dr. Dishant Pandya dishantpandya777
I am a Relativist and Theoretical Astrophysicist by Profession and a ROM Builder and Tester by Passion.