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Moutaz Moutazbaaj

Syntax Institute Berlin

Eric Pronk ericpronk84
🇳🇱 Dutch Programmer, Living in 🇩🇪


Darren Morrison DarmorGamz

@Darmor-Solutions Waterloo, Ontario

Leonardo Sousa leonardoalvessousa
AVR and Raspberry programming (' w ')/
Salim Benbouziyane sb-ocr
Designer and Maker of things 👾 Electronics and 3D printing Tinkerer

Ocrism Studio Montreal

KAMALESH KaMaLeSh-junior
Always proud to be a "LEARNER", "BEGINNER" and to be a "FAILURE".


w小z wang-x-zhen
Love the world , Crazy Maker.

NIO hefei

Brian Tomlinson darthlukan
Human, Sith, Software Engineer, Live Tech Lead at ThatGameCompany, Linux lover, FOSS advocate.

thatgamecompany USA

AmazingMj amazingmj
YouTuber as AmazingMJ' | Electronics | IoT | Embedded Hardware


Fantasiabot fantasiabot
Sound and Video. @fantasiabot

Fantasiabot Paris

PhoenixJack Phoenixjack
Professional Amateur FAFO Extraordinaire Unstoppable - even if it's only because I don't know when to quit
Ismaeel Madani smIsmaeelm
I studied electronics and biomedical engineering. I am keen on embedded system developing.

Iran, Esfahan

Krzysztof Sibiński kris-cloudaccess Szczecin, Poland

cabbage cabbage


Fred Philip dbyy

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Josef Leyva jalmx
Emprendedor disfrutando de programación con un buen café #linux

Xizuth Inc Mexico

Daffa Haj Tsaqif dhupee
just a weird kid with interest on Robotics, CNC, and Smart System

Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Mohamed Amzi AmziSys
Electronics Design Engineer


Austin aschen-builder

@synapsestudios Phoenix, AZ

Joshua Parr Flighter13
I am a third-year Electrical Engineering student at the University of Virginia. My code is primarily messing around with Python in my various projects.
Nate LostinTimeandspaceYT
Aspiring embedded systems engineer and FOS/OSH enthusiast.

The Plateau of Leng