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KenKapana KenKapana
Some independent work

Victoria, BC, Canada

Tanuj Dargan tanujdargan
Key Pressing Ape.

Victoria, BC, Canada

Arfaz Hossain arfazhxss

University of Victoria Vancouver, British Columbia

Kunwar Padda kunwarpadda
Student at University of Victoria
Aly Mooltazeem SPACE-AlyeN6378
Computer Engineering Undergraduate

Home Victoria, BC

Liam Degand Popfizz013
Hi, I am a third year at the University of Victoria in computer science. My goal is to pursue a a career in cybersecurity!

Victoria BC

Aaron Cohen AaronCohen21
Software Engineering @ UVic | Software Developer Intern @ Atono | Prev SWE Intern @ Everbridge

Atono University of Victoria, Canada

Joel C joelc38
Software Engineering student at the University of Victoria.

Victoria, BC

Matt Graff ma-graff
Geography & Computer Science Student at UVic

Victoria, British Columbia

David Kim daehwankim112
I am a VR/AR enthiusiast and a game developer.

University of Victoria Canada

Marc Rawson marcrawson
3rd Year Computer Science Student at the University of Victoria

Computer Science at UVic Victoria, BC

Ali Gaineshev ali-gaineshev
Currently a 4th year Computer Science student @ University of Victoria

Victoria, BC

abil-nrg abil-nrg
Third year mathematics and computer science student at UVIC :D
Joaquin Cisneros Schorcher5
Just a student trying their best.

Victoria, BC, Canada

Cristiano Fernandes criscfer
Electrical Engineer in training (EIT) working as a software developer for the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at the University of Victoria

University of Victoria - SESIT Group Victoria, Canada

Tim Al-Saudi Shmoofs
Software engineering student at UVic.
Ian DeJong pragma-strict
Simulations, renderers, L-systems and octrees: yes please.

Curbside Farms Victoria, BC

Keith Radford keithradford

@Shopify Montréal, QC