This example shows how to deploy core VCN resources in OCI using the OCI Landing Zone Networking module.
It deploys one basic three-tier VCN with the following resources:
- three subnets: public LBR, private app, and private database;
- three route tables, one to each subnet;
- four network security groups, including a Bastion network security group to allow SSH connections to private subnets;
- one Internet Gateway;
- one NAT Gateway;
- one Service Gateway.
The example outputs a file named vision-network.json, with select resources (VCNs) that can be further used as a dependency in another network configuration example that requires resources managed by this configuration example.
See external-dependency example.
See for the network configuration.
See module's for overall attributes usage.
Rename to <project-name>.auto.tfvars, where <project-name> is any name of your choice.
Within <project-name>.auto.tfvars, provide tenancy connectivity information and adjust the input variables, by making the appropriate substitutions:
- Replace <REPLACE-WITH-NETWORK-COMPARTMENT-OCID> placeholder with the network compartment OCID where the VCN is created.
- Replace <REPLACE-WITH-ALLOWED-CIDR-RANGE> placeholder with the CIDR range allowed to SSH into the Bastion Network Security Group.
In this folder, run the typical Terraform workflow:
terraform init
terraform plan -out plan.out
terraform apply plan.out