- 📝 Taken notes from "What Is Software Composition Analysis" BY Synopsys
Software composition analysis (SCA) is an automated process that identifies the open source software in a codebase
This analysis is performed to evaluate security
, license compliance
, and code quality
Companies need to be aware of open source license limitations and obligations
Tracking these obligations manually became too arduous of a task,
and it often overlooked code and its accompanying vulnerabilities.
An automated solution, SCA, was developed, and from this initial use case,
it expanded to analyze code security and quality.
In a modern DevOps or DevSecOps environment, SCA has galvanized the “shift left”
Earlier and continuous SCA testing has enabled developers
and security teams to drive productivity without compromising security and quality.
- SCA tools inspect:
- package managers
- manifest files
- source code
- binary files
- container images
- &...
- Software is compiled
Bill of Materials (BOM)
to be compared against a variety of databases, includingNVD
- SCA tools can also compare BOMs against other (usually commercial) databases to discover licenses associated with the code and analyze overall code quality
- History of contribution
- version control
- By comparing BOM against a database, security team can find security issues and act quickly to fix them
- SCA offers
, andreliablility
. - Manual tracking of open source code is no longer sufficient
- The increasing prevalence of cloud-native applications and more-complex applications make robust and dependable SCA tools a necessity