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File metadata and controls

185 lines (145 loc) · 6.26 KB

Setup kubernetes cluster (OCI)


  • openssl installed
  • list of VMs in OCI already created
  • list of Network Load Balancers (NLB) in OCI already created and their backend sets point to the VMs

1. Create OCI api key

openssl genrsa -out oci-api-key.pem 2048
chmod 600 oci-api-key.pem
openssl rsa -pubout -in oci-api-key.pem -out

2. Add that API key to the OCI console

OCI api key

3. Collect OCI info

OCI config

Copy to ~/.oci/config

Replace key_file=<path to your private keyfile> # TODO with the path to your private keyfile oci-api-key.pem

4. Add ssh public key to OCI VMs

# ssh to VMs, copy public key to authorized_keys
echo "some-ssh-public-key" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
# check if key is added
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

5. Go to subnet of VMs, add option to security list to allow communication between VMs

OCI Instance Subnet OCI Subnet Security List

6. Attach Shared Volume to VMs

7. Goto k8s folder

cd k8s

8. Update terraform.tfvars with OCI info, VMs info

Get values from OCI console and ~/.oci/config

ssh_private_key is the private key of public key added to VMs in step 4. Add ssh public key to OCI VMs

# terraform.tfvars
ocis = [
    name             = "name"
    user             = "ocid-of-user"
    fingerprint      = "fingerprint-of-oci"
    tenancy          = "ocid-of-tenancy"
    region           = "ap-singapore-1"
    api_key_path     = "/path/to/oci-api-key.pem"
    api_pub_key_path = "/path/to/"
    instances = [
        id               = "ocid1"
        name             = "node-1"
        is_control_plane = true
        id               = "ocid2"
        name             = "node-2"
        is_control_plane = false
    nlbs = [{
      id   = "ocid-of-nlb"
      name = "nlb-1"
ssh_private_key = "/path/to/ssh-private-key" # default is ~/.ssh/id_rsa
registry_htpasswd = "your-password-for-registry"

9. Apply k8s

# inside k8s/ folder
terraform init -reconfigure -upgrade
terraform apply

10. [Optional] Destroy k8s

# inside k8s/ folder
terraform destroy

Access the kubernetes cluster

1. Add ingress rules to security list of controller VM to allow kubectl to access the cluster

OCI Subnet kubectl

2. Allow ports in firewall of controller VM, fix ethtool cilium_vxlan, iptables

# oracle linux 8, ref:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public \
  --add-port 80/tcp \
  --add-port 443/tcp \
  --add-port 51820/udp \
  --add-port 6443/tcp \
  --add-port 2379-2380/tcp \
  --add-port 9254/tcp \
  --add-port 10250/tcp \
  --add-port 10256/tcp \
  --add-port 10257/tcp \
  --add-port 10259/tcp \
  --add-port 30000-32767/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source=
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all # check
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --list-all # check
# fix ethtool cilium_vxlan
sudo ethtool --offload cilium_vxlan tx-checksum-ip-generic off
# fix iptables
sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -F

3. Get the kubeconfig file ~/.kube/oci_config

Use rsync to a VM (node) that's control plane to copy the file

rsync -chavzP --stats --rsync-path="sudo rsync" opc@control-plane-node-public-ip:/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/oci_config


4. Tunnel to a node that's control plane

ssh -L6443:localhost:6443 opc@control-plane-node-public-ip

5. Now you can use kubectl to access the cluster

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/oci_config
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces