- declare support for Taskgraph 12.x
- Drops support for Taskgraph <11
- support Taskgraph >11, <12
- use 'scriptworker.scope-prefix' config for mark-as-shipped
- declare support for Taskgraph 9.x
- bitrise: Properly handle bitrise payloads to allow permutations of same workflow
- bitrise: Add commit_message and pull_request_id to bitrise payloads
- version: Fix version to 2.0.1
- bitrisescript: Add global and workflow params
- bitrise: support new 'artifact_prefix' task config
- declare support for Taskgraph 8.x
- bitrise: support an easier format for environment variables
- bitrise: support an easier format for environment variables
- bitrise: normalize refs in bitrise payload builder
- Move bitrise build parameters under a 'build_params' namespace
- relpro: allow passing "version" in release-promotion input
- create a bitrisescript payload builder
- Add dummy release promotion task to allow this repository to be used to verify upcoming changes to Ship It & scopes
- look for version.txt in cwd, not where mozilla-taskgraph is installed
- relpro: set 'version' parameter
- shipit: make 'shipit.product' optional in graph_config schema
- shipit: allow 'mark-as-shipped' to define product in task
- shipit: use task name instead of 'mark-as-shipped' as default label
- release_promotion: add missing build_number parameter
- add a 'release-promotion' action
- upgrade to Taskgraph 7.0.0
- mark compatible with Taskgraph 6.x
- shipit: add shipit mark_as_shipped transforms and worker-type
- add missing init.py files
- add 'release_artifacts' transforms
- create initial scaffolding for mozilla-taskgraph
- use proper module name in setup.py