
{% trans %}You've already asked for an activation key for this LPA today{% endtrans %}

+ +
+ {% trans %}Donor name{% endtrans %} +
+ {{ actor_name(donor) }} +
+ {% trans %}Type of LPA{% endtrans %} +
+ {% if caseSubtype|lower == "pfa" %} + {% trans %}Property and finance{% endtrans %} + {% else %} + {% trans %}Health and welfare{% endtrans %} + {% endif %} +
+ +

{% trans %}We'll post you a letter with your activation key for this LPA. It will be sent to the address we have for you on our records. We send the key by post because it's more secure.{% endtrans %}


{% trans with {'%dueDate%' : lpa_date(dueDate)} %}You should hear from us or get the activation key letter by %dueDate%. If not, please contact us.{% endtrans %}

+ + + {% trans %}Back to your LPAs{% endtrans %} + +