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NVVS DevOps Containers Repository

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Docker container for local terraform development

Here the NVVS DevOps development container is defined.

It can be used locally to enable a consistent development experience across platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOS (Intel & M1 ARM)).

How to build

Prerequisite Docker installed, Make.

make build

How to use

Suggestion for use with AWS-VAULT


Create an alias for use with the local build

alias toold='docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/data --env-file <(aws-vault exec $AWS_PROFILE -- env | grep ^AWS_) ministryofjustice/nvvs/terraforms:latest'

In terraform directory run


To use the version hosted on the GitHub Container Registry attached to this repository/

alias tooldgh='docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):/data --env-file <(aws-vault exec $AWS_PROFILE -- env | grep ^AWS_)'

Tools included

See the Dockerfile for full details. However initially this container is a large utility container to reduce developer friction while upgrading the repositories to a consistent version(s) of Terraform.

  • Terraform (via TFENV)
  • AWS CLI v2
  • kubectl
  • helm

Create tagged release

NOTE: This needs refining.

  • Push the branch to github and get a pull request approved.
  • Merge to main
  • Depending on the increment run make tag SEMVAR=[ patch | minor | major ]

Example usage in Makefile

This is an example of how it can be used with one of the NVVS DevOps Terraform projects.

SHELL := '/bin/bash'

CURRENT_TIME := `date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S"`
TERRAFORM_VERSION := `cat 2> /dev/null | grep required_version | cut -d "\\"" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 2`

LOCAL_IMAGE := ministryofjustice/nvvs/terraforms:latest

DOCKER_RUN := @docker run --rm \
				--env-file <(aws-vault exec $$AWS_PROFILE -- env | grep ^AWS_) \
				--env-file <(env | grep ^TF_VAR_) \
				--env-file <(env | grep ^ENV) \
				-v `pwd`:/data \
				--workdir /data \
				--platform linux/amd64 \

DOCKER_RUN_IT := @docker run --rm -it \
				--env-file <(aws-vault exec $$AWS_PROFILE -- env | grep ^AWS_) \
				--env-file <(env | grep ^TF_VAR_) \
				--env-file <(env | grep ^ENV) \
				-v `pwd`:/data \
				--workdir /data \
				--platform linux/amd64 \

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

.PHONY: aws
aws:  ## provide aws cli command as an arg e.g. (make aws AWSCLI_ARGUMENT="s3 ls")
	$(DOCKER_RUN) /bin/bash -c "aws $$AWSCLI_ARGUMENT"

.PHONY: shell
shell: ## Run Docker container with interactive terminal
	$(DOCKER_RUN_IT) /bin/bash

.PHONY: fmt
fmt: ## terraform fmt
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform fmt --recursive

.PHONY: init
init: ## terraform init (make init ENV_ARGUMENT=pre-production) NOTE: Will also select the env's workspace.

## INFO: Do not indent the conditional below, make stops with an error.
ifneq ("$(wildcard .env)","")
$(info Using config file ".env")
include .env
init: -init
$(info Config file ".env" does not exist.)
init: -init-gen-env

.PHONY: -init-gen-env
	$(MAKE) gen-env
	$(MAKE) -init

.PHONY: -init
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform init --backend-config="key=terraform.$$ENV.state"
	$(MAKE) workspace-select

.PHONY: init-upgrade
init-upgrade: ## terraform init -upgrade
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform init -upgrade --backend-config="key=terraform.$$ENV.state"

.PHONY: import
import: ## terraform import e.g. (make import some_resource)
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform import $$IMPORT_ARGUMENT

.PHONY: workspace-list
workspace-list: ## terraform workspace list
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform workspace list

.PHONY: workspace-select
workspace-select: ## terraform workspace select
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform workspace select $$ENV || \
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform workspace new $$ENV

.PHONY: validate
validate: ## terraform validate
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform validate

.PHONY: plan-out
plan-out: ## terraform plan - output to timestamped file
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform plan -no-color > $$ENV.$(CURRENT_TIME).tfplan

.PHONY: plan
plan: ## terraform plan
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform plan

.PHONY: refresh
refresh: ## terraform refresh
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform refresh

.PHONY: output
output: ## terraform output (make output OUTPUT_ARGUMENT='--raw dns_dhcp_vpc_id')
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform output -no-color $$OUTPUT_ARGUMENT

.PHONY: apply
apply: ## terraform apply
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform apply
	$(DOCKER_RUN) /bin/bash -c "./scripts/"

.PHONY: state-list
state-list: ## terraform state list
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform state list

.PHONY: show
show: ## terraform show
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform show -no-color

.PHONY: destroy
destroy: ## terraform destroy
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform destroy

.PHONY: lock
lock: ## terraform providers lock (reset hashes after upgrades prior to commit)
	rm .terraform.lock.hcl
	$(DOCKER_RUN) terraform providers lock -platform=windows_amd64 -platform=darwin_amd64 -platform=linux_amd64

.PHONY: clean
clean: ## clean terraform cached providers etc
	rm -rf .terraform/ terraform.tfstate* .env

.PHONY: gen-env
gen-env: ## generate a ".env" file with the correct TF_VARS for the environment e.g. (make gen-env ENV_ARGUMENT=pre-production)
	$(DOCKER_RUN) /bin/bash -c "./scripts/ $$ENV_ARGUMENT"

.PHONY: tfenv
tfenv: ## tfenv pin - terraform version from
	tfenv use $(cat 2> /dev/null | grep required_version | cut -d "\"" -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 2) && tfenv pin

	@grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'