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micro-ROS transports for Renesas e2 studio

Depending on which transport is used for micro-ROS specific configurations, the following should be done.

USB-CDC transport

  1. Copy the following files to the source directory:

    • extra_sources/microros_transports/usb_transport.c
    • extra_sources/microros_transports/usb_descriptor.c
  2. Double click on the configuration.xml file of your project and go to the Stacks tab.

  3. Select New Stack -> USB PCDC driver on r_usb_pcdc.

  4. Go to Clocks tab and configure UCLK clock to match 48MHz (Match the values on the highlighted boxes):


  5. Save the modifications by clicking on Generate Project Content.

Serial UART transport

The configuration of this transports is board dependant:

  1. Copy the following files to the source directory:

    • extra_sources/microros_transports/uart_transport.c
  2. Double click on the configuration.xml file of your project and go to the Stacks tab.

  3. Select New Stack -> r_src_uart.

  4. Optional: in order to set P411 and P410 as Tx/Rx first disable SPI1

  5. Go to the component properties and configure the Tx/Rx pinout:


  6. Save the modifications clicking on Generate Project Content.

  1. Copy the following files to the source directory:

    • extra_sources/microros_transports/uart_transport.c
  2. Double click on the configuration.xml file of your project and go to the Stacks tab.

  3. Select New Stack -> r_src_b_uart.

  4. Go to Clocks tab and enable SCISPICLK clock.

    Example clock configuration:


  5. Go to the Pins tab and configure the SCI port 0 and its pinout:


    Optional: in order to set PA09 and PA10 as Tx/Rx first disable the timers GPT8 and GPT9

  6. Save the modifications clicking on Generate Project Content.

UDP transport (FreeRTOS + TCP)

  1. Copy the following files to the source directory:

    • extra_sources/microros_transports/udp_transport_freeRTOS.c
  2. Double click on the configuration.xml file of your project and go to the Stacks tab.

  3. Select New Stack -> FreeRTOS + TCP.

  4. Configure the properties of the FreeRTOS + TCP component:

    1. Common -> vApplicationIPNetworkEventHook to Disable.

    2. Common -> DHCP Register Hostname to Disable.

    3. Optional: Enable DHCP Common -> Use DHCP to Enable.

      Note: If DHCP is disabled, the board network parameters can be configured on the transport source file udp_transport_freeRTOS.c

    4. Optional: Increase number of buffers avaliable to the IP stack on Common -> Total number of avaliable network buffers.


  5. Increase number of Ethernet Tx buffers on g_ether0 component -> Module g_ether0 Ethernet Driver on r_ether -> Buffers -> Number of RX buffer to 4:


  6. Save the modifications by clicking on Generate Project Content.

  7. Configure micro-ROS agent IP and port passing a freeRTOS freertos_sockaddr struct to the rmw_uros_set_custom_transport function:

    struct freertos_sockaddr remote_addr;
    remote_addr.sin_family = FREERTOS_AF_INET;
    remote_addr.sin_port = FreeRTOS_htons(8888);
    remote_addr.sin_addr = FreeRTOS_inet_addr("");
       (void *) &remote_addr,

UDP transport (ThreadX + NetX)

  1. Copy the following files to the source directory:

    • extra_sources/microros_transports/udp_transport_threadX.c
  2. Double click on the configuration.xml file of your project and go to the Stacks tab.

  3. Select New Stack -> Azure RTOS NetX Duo DHCP IPv4 Client.

  4. Click on Add NetX Duo Network Driver and select New -> NetX Duo Ethernet Driver (rm_netxduo_ether):

  5. Click on Add NetX Duo Packet Pool and select Use -> g_packet_pool0 Azure RTOS NetX Duo Packet Pool Instance:


  6. Optional: Increase number of buffers avaliable to the IP stack on g_packet_pool0 properties on Module g_packet_pool0 Azure RTOS NetX Duo Packet Pool Instance -> Number of Packets in Pool.

  7. Save the modifications by clicking on Generate Project Content.

  8. Configure micro-ROS agent IP and port passing a custom_transport_args struct to the rmw_uros_set_custom_transport function:

    custom_transport_args remote_addr = {
       (void *) &remote_addr,

TCP WIFI transport (AWS WiFi Sockets Wrapper - FreeRTOS)

This transport supports Renesas Wi-Fi-Pmod-Expansion-Board based on Silex SX-ULPGN module. Support for other wifi modules can be added to the FSP as explained on chapter 4. Adding Support for New Wi-Fi module of this document: Getting Started with the Wi-Fi Modules on FSP

Note: This configuration is valid for the connector PMOD1 (J26)

  1. Copy the following files to the source directory:

    • extra_sources/microros_transports/wifi_transport_freeRTOS.c
  2. Double click on the configuration.xml file of your project and go to the Components tab.

  3. Enable the following components:

    1. AWS -> c_sdk -> standard -> logging.

    2. Renesas -> Middleware -> all -> WiFi Common.

    3. Renesas -> Middleware -> all -> AWS Silex WiFi Sockets Wrapper.


  4. Go to the Stacks tab and add a AWS Silex WiFi Sockets Wrapper module.

  5. Remove the AWS Cellular/WiFi MbedTLS Bio submodule of the created component: Right click -> Delete.

  6. Enable Common -> General -> Use Mutexes on the micro-ROS thread properties.

  7. Configure the module reset pinout on the rm_wifi_onchip_silex module properties:

    1. Set Common -> Module Reset Port to 3.
    2. Set Common -> Module Reset Pin to 11.
  8. Configure the properties of the PMOD connection under the UART component properties (g_uart0 UART (r_sci_uart))

    1. Enter Enable FIFO support, DTC support and Flow control support on common properties

    2. Add DTC drivers for Transmission and Reception:

    3. Select the SCI port 9 on Module g_uart0 UART (r_sci_uart) -> General -> Channel.

    4. Go to the Pins tab and configure the SCI port and its pinout:


      Optional: in order to set P203 and P202 as Tx/Rx first disable SPI0

    5. Optional: To increase data throughput, increase the baud rate on Module g_uart0 UART (r_sci_uart) -> Baud -> Baud Rate. Values up to 460800 bauds has been tested

  9. Save the modifications by clicking on Generate Project Content.

  10. Configure the transport connection passing a custom_transport_args struct to the rmw_uros_set_custom_transport function:

    1. Configure the wifi network with a WIFINetworkParams_t object:

      // Configure wifi network
      WIFINetworkParams_t network_conf = {
         .ucChannel                  = 0,
         .ucSSID  = "[YOUR_SSID_HERE]",
         .xPassword.xWPA.cPassphrase = "[YOUR_PSK_HERE]",
         .xSecurity = eWiFiSecurityWPA2,

      Notes: - Currently only the following security protocols are supported: eWiFiSecurityOpen, eWiFiSecurityWPA and eWiFiSecurityWPA2 - The network ssid and password length is limited to 31 characters

    2. Configure agent IP and port on a custom_transport_args object and pass it down to the rmw_uros_set_custom_transport method:

      // Add configuration to transport args
      custom_transport_args wifi_args = {
         .network_conf = &network_conf,
         .agent_ip = "",
         .agent_port = 8888
            (void *) &wifi_args,

CAN FD transport

  1. Copy the following files to the source directory:

    • extra_sources/microros_transports/canfd_transport.c
  2. Double click on the configuration.xml file of your project and go to the Stacks tab.

  3. Select New Stack -> r_canfd.

  4. Go to Clocks tab:

    1. Configure CANFDCLK clock to match 40 MHz.

    2. Make sure PCLKA clock value doubles value of PCLKB.

      Example clock configuration: PCLKB = 50 MHz and PCLKA = 100 MHz


  5. Configure CAN reception:

    1. Common -> Reception -> Message Buffers -> Number of Buffers to 0.
    2. Common -> Reception -> FIFOs -> FIFO 0 -> Enable to Enabled
    3. Common -> Reception -> FIFOs -> FIFO 0 -> Interrupt Mode to Every Frame.
    4. Common -> Reception -> FIFOs -> FIFO 0 -> Payload Size to 64 bytes.
  6. Configure CAN interrupts:

    1. Enable Module g_canfd0 CANFD Driver on r_canfd -> Transmit Interrupts -> TXMB 0.
    2. Set Module g_canfd0 CANFD Driver on r_canfd -> Interrupts -> Channel Interrupt Priority Level to Priority 3.
    3. Enable all interrupts on Module g_canfd0 CANFD Driver on r_canfd -> Channel Error Interrupts.
  7. Configure CAN component:

    1. Module g_canfd0 CANFD Driver on r_canfd -> General -> Channel to 1 for RA6M5 boards and to 0 for RA6T2.

    2. Go to the Pins tab and configure your CANFD1 pinout. As an example to use with the integrated TJA1042T transceiver:


      Note: TJA1042T transceiver is only integrated on EK-RA6M5 boards

  8. Configure your CAN FD Bitrate:

    1. As an example:


    2. Make sure the configuration matches with the CAN used on the agent. Example configuration on linux:

      sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 sample-point 0.75 dbitrate 2000000 fd on
      sudo ifconfig can0 txqueuelen 65536
  9. Modify micro-ROS library build options:

    1. Create a file named app_colcon.meta on your project main directory.

    2. Add the following configuration to the file:

          "names": {
              "rmw_microxrcedds": {
                  "cmake-args": [
              "microxrcedds_client": {
                  "cmake-args": [
    3. Optional: Increase the number of stream buffers to match your message requirements with RMW_UXRCE_STREAM_HISTORY.

      This parameter will control the maximum payload of a publish message: RMW_UXRCE_STREAM_HISTORY * UCLIENT_CUSTOM_TRANSPORT_MTU (bytes)

    4. To rebuild the micro-ROS library, clean and rebuild your project.

  10. Set CAN transport configuration on the canfd_transport.c file:

    1. Set an unique CAN frame ID for this device (CAN_ID).

    2. Optional: Increase reception buffer size (CAN_BUFFER_SIZE).

    3. Optional: Enable the BRS (bit rate switch) flag (enable_BRS).

      Example CAN transport configuration:


  11. Save the modifications clicking on Generate Project Content.