Releases: mgerault/DIAgui
DIAgui v1.4.5
DIAgui 1.4.3
Added possibility to filter on Quantity.Quality
DIAgui v1.4.2
Added the possibility to filter contaminants from your report in the first tab of the app based on a typed prefix/suffix; added the possibility to filter ids from your data in the 'data visualization and statistics' tab; + other small improvements and bug fixing.
get_bestwind function has been significantly improved. It now takes the precursor mz and not the product mz, allow the user to use a fix overlap and/or a fix window size.
Added the option to plot the static plot iRT vs RT in the app + it now check if your report has too many rows to handle it will ask you if you're sure to plot the interactive plot.
DIAgui v1.4.1
Corrected bugs in heatmap function; handling potential duplicates in the peptide MaxLFQ section of the app; corrected bug in get_iBAQ function; added imputation algorithms from imputLCMD R package; added possibility to use a fix window size in get_bestwind function.
DIAgui v1.4.0
Corrected bugs; checks file when upload in app; added new functions (imputation from mice R package, correlation plot, simple volcano plot, etc.) improved app.
DIAgui v1.3.2
Modified package dependencies in description; when only one sample prevent from dropping data.frame in app and diann_maxlfq.
DIAgui v.1.3.1
Corrected bug in getallseq when protein is not found in swissprot bank; merged pull requests
DIAgui v.1.3.0
Added vignette documentation + possibility to get best PTM q.value on peptide level
DIAgui 1.2.3
Add new function 'validDIA' to see the proportion of valid values; implemented in the app.
DIAgui 1.2.2
Added possibility to visualize only intensity, Top3, iBAQ or all in visualization tab.
--> Updated density, MDS and heatmap function