This is a library and a set of executable scripts to perform estimates of leaf area from photographs of leaves with a reference object with known area.
To install and run this package, OpenCV version 3.1 or higher is required. Unfortunately due the complexity to package it automatically, OpenCV has to be installed separatedly.
As of now, this package is fairly minimal and restrict to a single approach. Howerver, it does not mean that it won't be further updated.
Small bugs are expected, so if you find any, please report to the author.
This is still a work in progress, requiring some polishing to improve user-friendliness, but the core idea is sound and effective.
Next steps include the addition of tutorials and extensive documentation to assist on the usage.
The easiest way to install OpenCV is installing the Anaconda distribution from (Select Python 2.7 version) and then opening the command prompt/terminal and running the following command:
For Windows
conda install -c menpo opencv
conda install opencv
Alternativelly, you can go to to find out different options to install it.
Any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact the author one of the e-mail address [email protected]