- add timetable_day to get timetable in selected day in parent and student api (1-Monday, ...7-Sunday)
- add timetable_day to get timetable in selected day in teacher api (1-Monday, ...7-Sunday)
- add timetable_day_group to get timetable in selected day and group in teacher api (1-Monday, ...7-Sunday)
- add subject_list and subject_list_group to get subject list which teacher study in school and selected group
- add subject_list to get subject list with teacher to parent and student api
- add marks_date to teacher api to get marks for selected date
- add edit_mark to teacher api to edit mark
- add subject_exams to teacher api to get exams for subject
- changes in teacher api methods
- changes in general api methods
- some changes in teacher api and add edit_attendance
- add attendances_date to teacher api to get attendances for selected date
- small change notices in to teacher api
- add edit_notice into teacher api & some methods in general has changes
- fix params of applying_leave method in teacher
- fix name of methods: dairy->diary
- add subjects to teacher api to get subjects for selected group
- add hours to teacher api to get list of hours for selected group,subject and date
- add edit_diary to teacher api for edit diary record
- add dairy_date to teacher api
- add school_year_student into teacher api for get school year and first selected group for teacher
- add school_year_child into parent api to get last school year and last child which added
- add school_year_student into student api to get last school year and student_id for student user
- add fee_details into parent api fo get student fee details
- add exam_group method for get all exam for selected group
- add applying_leave method for get all applying leave for teacher and parent and post_applying_leave & delete_applying_leave port post and delete applying leave for student by parent
- add exam_marks method for get all exams for teacher,student and parent and exam_marks_details for get details of selected exam
- add dairy_date method for get students and parents to get dairy for selected date and student
- add student_subject method for get students subject list with teacher which is added to teach that subject
- add user_list method in librarian to get list of users for issuing the book
- add subject_list method in librarian to get list of subjects with direction and class
- add method transportations_directions which return all transportation with directions
- fix in invoices in parent api-change param
- fix some api parent methods
- add date into returned marks
- add list of exams for selected subject for student and parent user
- add subject books for selected subject
- add in marks and attendances school year
- add method to teacher justify_attendance
- fixes in reserved books and add reserved books for selected user
- add borrowed books for user
- divided school year selects on roles
- add method for edit book for librarian
- change name of method for add new book for librarian
- add more fields to books to create and return values of search the books
- login endpoint now returns token, user object and role, no need to call other apis
- README.md updated to reflect above point