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Docker Runner

A GitLab CI runner which securely and quickly builds container images

Installation guide

You can build the image using docker build .. Currently no prebuilt options are offered. If you want Git LFS support, please also build the dind image in this repository. A Kubernetes spec is provided as an example, please customize it for your own needs.

All configuration is done using environment variables. The following variables are available:

Variable Default Description
GITLAB_URL None The full URL to GitLab including protocol
REGISTRY None The registry to use, in Docker format (so just the hostname). If unset a GitLab registry is assumed and gitlab auth token and user is used for auth.
GITLAB_RUNNER_TOKEN None The runner token for this runner. Note that this runner doesn't perform registration. Use a Kubernetes secret claim or a separate registering application to obtain it.
DOCKER_API_VERSION Highest supported version Use this to limit the protocol version the Docker client attempts to use. For 18.06 a value of 1.38 is recommended.

User's guide

Use the following snippet in your .gitlab-ci.yml:

  stage: build
  script: [""]
  variables: # All are optional
    BUILD_DIR: some-dir # Build from a sub-directory and push under project-name/some-dir:tag
    BUILD_NAME: another-name # Overrides the image name from BUILD_DIR to project-name/another-name:tag
    BUILD_FROM_ROOT: "false" # Build from root but search for Dockerfile in BUILD_DIR
    RELATIVE_FROM: some-other-dir # Make the image path of a previously built image from the same project available as RELATIVE_FROM build arg
    - docker # Or whatever tag you use for the builder

docker-runner will automatically grab the Dockerfile at the root of your project, make sure the base image (FROM) is up-to-date and build it with full caching enabled and push it under the same name as the project on GitLab. No configuration necessary.

For a custom registry it is possible to specify the auth user and password via build variables. It is recommended to set this as a pipeline environment variable.

Variable Default Description
REGISTRY_USER none Registry user
REGISTRY_PASSWORD none Registry password


  • No support for submodules
  • No support for GitLab cache (it has its own) and artifacts

Comparison with other approaches


  • + Much faster builds due to caching and single fetch directly to Docker daemon
  • + Better GitLab Integration
  • - Doesn't respect resource limits set by K8s since builds are run by a separate Docker daemon

Docker on GitLab CI

  • + Faster builds due to direct fetch to Docker daemon
  • + Less configuration per project
  • + Guarantees base images are up-to-date
  • + Much safer, no known escapes from the build environment

External providers (Docker Hub, GCR, ACR)

  • + Generally faster
  • + Less confirguration
  • + Runs on your existing infrastructure
  • - Worse resource isolation